Brothers of Briar

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Zeno Marx
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    • Zeno Marx
      taking a wild stab, but that looks like something out of this factory
    • Zeno Marx
      Zeno Marx replied to the thread Tobacco reviews blocked?.
      I was watching tobaccopipes for the non-stg tobacco to get discounted. No wonder it never did. Back to P&C so many of us will go...
    • Zeno Marx
      Zeno Marx reacted to Idlefellow's post in the thread What was your fastest car? with Like Like.
      I was never into the "fast" thing; my '72 MGB/GT wasn't overly fast but it sure was fun. I spent way too many weekends under the...
    • Zeno Marx
      Zeno Marx reacted to Blackhorse's post in the thread What was your fastest car? with Like Like.
      Oh…I forgot. I had a monster 1964 VW Bug. No wind up key. The 1964 Beetle, nicknamed the "big window Beetle" for its larger windows...
    • Zeno Marx
      Zeno Marx replied to the thread Ser Jacopo.
      They, like Ardor, were really a forward thinking maker, and they're even more so now. I associate the briar calabash with them. It was...
    • Zeno Marx
      This article introduced a new concept for me about types of tobaccos...
    • Zeno Marx
      Zeno Marx replied to the thread For rock music afficianados....
      Punk, experimental/difficult/noise/electro-acoustic/avant-garde/ambient, metal, Grateful Dead, and krautrock are my primary loves...
    • Zeno Marx
      Zeno Marx replied to the thread Rest/rotation help needed.
      You're overthinking it, and your experience is suffering for it. When I managed a shop, I had guys who only had a single pipe and would...
    • Zeno Marx
      Zeno Marx replied to the thread Tobacco reviews blocked?.
      you can install a VPN extension on your browser. I have one on Firefox that I rarely use, but it was free and installed with a click...
    • Zeno Marx
      Zeno Marx reacted to Chris Smith's post in the thread Not a pipe, but a roll. with Like Like.
      I made a pipe roll for travel out of leather. My daughter goes to Western Carolina University in Cullowee NC and go see her, as well as...
    • Zeno Marx
      Zeno Marx replied to the thread What are you listening to?.
      My introduction to Indian music was likely movies, but if not, it was also surely The Beatles. Then picking up a Ravi Shankar album or...
    • Zeno Marx
      Zeno Marx replied to the thread Anyone else addicted?.
      Scones are my favorite biscuit. Or any pastry really. The density and crumble get me. I modified a recipe several years ago with...
    • Zeno Marx
      Zeno Marx replied to the thread What are you listening to?.
      If I've said this before, I'm saying it again. I love Indian music. I know very little about it though. Even though I've looked up...
    • Zeno Marx
      I can sometimes inhale once or twice near the end of a bowl, and I wait until then because I notice how significantly it negatively...
    • Zeno Marx
      Zeno Marx reacted to Gaius Marius's post in the thread No Instagram BoB? with Like Like.
      Never been on Instagram. I don't use reddit or Facebook, tiktok, or any other website like that. The closest thing I have to social...
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