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Brothers of Briar

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  • Carlos
    Carlos reacted to Zeno Marx's post in the thread don't be a Dick with Like Like.
    Just a reminder that some people have to white knuckle these times of the year. while you feel the vibe of celebration, they're...
  • Carlos
    Carlos replied to the thread IM Corona lighter problems.
    I have an "Old Boy". Because of the mechanism, they really like to be serviced, say, once a year. Not willing to do that. I take...
  • Carlos
    Carlos reacted to Blackhorse's post in the thread Goodbye Watson. with Sad Sad.
    This afternoon we had the sad duty of putting our 12 y.o. pug, Watson down. A host of ailments including Dementia, spinal arthritis and...
  • Carlos
    Carlos replied to the thread Mystery Pipe.
    Just looking at the rustification pics, it screams Castello to me. It is just a bit finer in size than my old Natural Vergin. But...
  • Carlos
    Carlos reacted to Blackhorse's post in the thread Haggis Wildlife Foundation with Haha Haha.
    Help save the wild Haggis…
  • Carlos
    Carlos reacted to AlphaWarrior's post in the thread Thank you… with Like Like.
    I was just going to thank everyone, too! I'm around home mostly during the holidays and the banter here has become a part of my fall and...
  • Carlos
    Carlos reacted to Blackhorse's post in the thread Thank you… with Like Like.
    Thank you one and all for making this a fine year. Your support, dedication and kindness are significant in making this the upbeat...
  • Carlos
    Carlos reacted to JWally's post in the thread Hello from Sarnia with Like Like.
    Just joined the Brotherhood minutes ago. I'm to find a group of fellow pipe smokers.
  • Carlos
    Carlos reacted to D.L.Ruth's post in the thread Question about canning jars with Like Like.
    I usually wash them before I use them
  • Carlos
    Carlos replied to the thread Fun stuff.
    Good you had it checked out. Sometimes a wrist injury can result in reduced or no circulation. Very bad.
  • Carlos
    Emma, I checked the member list. And since this is an old thread it's possible that theluddite may have changed his notification email...
  • Carlos
    Carlos replied to the thread Hello from Illinois.
    Welcome. You are located just a few miles from the largest pipe show in the world. And an active pipe club that meets once a month...
  • Carlos
    Carlos replied to the thread What was your fastest car?.
    1964 Ford Galaxie Stationwagon. Took forever to get up to speed, but would run with the 160mph Dodge Chargers on the newly built, and...