Recent content by Fr_Tom

Brothers of Briar

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  1. Fr_Tom

    54 years ago...

    Our 42nd was last Wednesday...
  2. Fr_Tom

    recommend a podcast

    I will shamelessly promote my own. I have readers and post the daily readings for Morning/Evening Prayer, Noonday prayer and Compline. I also listen to the Moth Radio Hour when driving sometimes.
  3. Fr_Tom

    Expensive Men’s Cologne (Parfum, etc.)

    When I want to smell better, I just smoke a cigar.
  4. Fr_Tom

    Got stoned this past weekend!

    Kidney stones are a tough one. I have no personal experience (I am happy to report), but I have run by the hospital to pray with folks. Hope all has passed...
  5. Fr_Tom

    Charred pipe rims...need advice

    This is a picture from 2018 of a pipe I smoke at least once a day. An issue (with me and rimcake anyway) is that I smack ashes out of my pipe on he heel of my shoe and every now and then hunks come off in this process. It builds back up though...
  6. Fr_Tom

    Pot shaped pipes and maker

    I will observe that a pot shape with a 3/4 in inside diameter on the bowl is just a short billiard. I would look for a pipe with a 7/8 in id to get the experience.
  7. Fr_Tom

    the man had hands like sandpaper

    Too heavy a hand on the buffer can do this too.
  8. Fr_Tom

    Broken Pipe Brewdude Rande Reed

    I am saddened by this news.
  9. Fr_Tom

    Do any of you still listen to a radio? (Let me know if you don't know what a radio is. :) )

    I listen to it on the commute and sometimes stream it in the home office.
  10. Fr_Tom

    Pray with me brothers!

    I will say a rosary with intentions for your bank account.
  11. Fr_Tom

    Recommendations for Strong Codger Blends?

    Seconding @Ranger107 's suggestion... I would try Old Joe Krantz (the original). I am smoking Big & Burley as I type this - another recommendation.
  12. Fr_Tom

    Burleys, Granger, Velvet and Artful Codger YT Video

    I am a fan of Granger. It was my paternal grandfather's goto.
  13. Fr_Tom

    Official 2022 Bombing Squadron Sign Up Has Begun!

    Puts my flight suit back in the closet for the time being...
  14. Fr_Tom

    Official 2022 Bombing Squadron Sign Up Has Begun!

    I am game. I always enjoyed them and never missed one once I started as a bomber in September of 2013 (pretty sure that was when it all started for me)...
  15. Fr_Tom


    I am happy to read this news!