Recent content by ftrplt

Brothers of Briar

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  1. ftrplt

    What Are You Smoking Pages.

    I recommend Tim West or Norwood's Pipe Repair for your repair. Just "Google" to find them. FWIW, FTRPLT
  2. ftrplt

    My 2nd best find ever

    The red and green tin colors, plus the key, probably date this tin to the 1950's-1960's. The pipe shop I worked in during the mid-60's sold tins like this. Several other brands still used key openers also on their larger tins. FWIW, FTRPLT
  3. ftrplt

    What Are You Smoking Pages.

    Jim, your "traffic" observation is correct and timely. This time of year, I'm literally left "out in the cold" as to my pipe smoking. I've had exactly three bowls since early December 2024!! Crappy cold, windy, sometimes wet and/or snow & ice, WX with no where to smoke outside. My frustration...
  4. ftrplt

    Burley recommendations

    Google Smoking Pipes, LJ Peretti's, Uhles, Watch City Cigar, Wilke Pipe Tobaccos, and The Gatlin-Burlier. That'll keep you busy for a while!! FTRPLT
  5. ftrplt

    Help with a Date?

    I always defer to my John C. Loring charts when facing such a question. This Canadian patent is for years 1936-1941. So, this pipe is either a 1936 or a 1938. That's my story and I'm stickin' to it!! FWIW, FTRPLT
  6. ftrplt

    L. J. Peretti: raw materials.

    JLP did use McClelland's in their earlier version Cambridge Flake. Being a big user of said tobacco, I was taken aback when they suddenly were out of stock around the same time McClelland closed! Fortunately I have quite a bit jarred. I confess I have not smoked the later version nor have I...
  7. ftrplt

    STG closes Mac Baren and Sutliff

    For those of you who wish to see 'The Letter," visit Pipestud's Consignment Shop. Steve has listed his information on his blog site. A few blends are being continued, emphasis on "a few!!" FWIW, FTRPLT
  8. ftrplt

    What Are You Smoking Pages.

    Hatch, your pipe looks quite a bit like one of mine made by the late Fred Garlinghouse (died 2006). His simple stamp was "Frederick G' as a rule on the bottom of the pipe shank. Fred was known for no fills, leaving a small sandpit as it was. You may find out more info on him on Pipepedia. I have...
  9. ftrplt

    Goodbye Watson.

    My sincerest condolences on losing your fur buddy. Hardest things I/we have had to do over the last many years. Watson's waiting for you at the Rainbow Bridge!!! FTRPLT
  10. ftrplt

    What Are You Smoking Pages.

    Welcome back!! Wondered where you had disappeared!! Most "Esoterica's" are limited in availability; those available on "PipeStuds" site can be bloody expensive!! FTRPLT
  11. ftrplt

    What Are You Smoking Pages.

    Dang me!!! This looks like Western North Carolina a few weeks ago!!! Zippo, trust all is well with you and yours. I/we haven't heard from our "English Family" around Chester in a while. I'll check on them in a moment!!! FTRPLT
  12. ftrplt

    What Are You Smoking Pages.

    A sunny, cool Sunday morning on the porch! Puffing on Granger, MacB's Golden Extra, and CHall in a variety of cobs! All accompanied by dark, strong French Roast Hawai'ian coffee! A good day to all!! FTRPLT
  13. ftrplt

    What Are You Smoking Pages.

    Keep on "given'em hell" Ranger!!!! FTRPLT
  14. ftrplt

    What Are You Smoking Pages.

    Arango Balkan Supreme in my very large Astley's SG flared bowl Dublin. Pretty sure this big boy is Charatan-made as I also have two Charatan's very much like it. Grand smoker. FTRPLT
  15. ftrplt

    Question about canning jars

    FWIW, I always wash them in the dishwasher before using. FTRPLT