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Brothers of Briar

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  • JimInks
    JimInks reacted to Gaius Marius's post in the thread What Are You Smoking Pages. with Like Like.
    Enjoying some of Sutliff's Chocolate Mousse in my mm cob. What a tasty desert smoke. Working a two hour day before I go home to pack...
  • JimInks
    JimInks reacted to Balisong's post in the thread What Are You Smoking Pages. with Like Like.
    We're out running errands. I took along a bent MM Missouri Pride filled with GLP Abingdon.
  • JimInks
    JimInks replied to the thread What Are You Smoking Pages..
    A third of the way through this bowl of pre-2014 Edward G. Robinson's Pipe Blend in a 2014 Basil Meadows smooth slight bend squashed...
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  • JimInks
    JimInks replied to the thread What Are You Smoking Pages..
    Now smoking Ken Byron Ventures Mr. Christian’s Brown Flek 2021 in a 1984 smooth brown full bend Peterson Mark Twain military mount egg...
    • Peterson_MarkTwain_Smooth.jpg
  • JimInks
    JimInks reacted to Singed's post in the thread What Are You Smoking Pages. with Like Like.
    Winding down with something dark, as I usually do. Star of the East in my Rossi Canadian, Tyskie at hand. Good night, BoB.
  • JimInks
    JimInks reacted to Balisong's post in the thread What Are You Smoking Pages. with Like Like.
    Watching the Pats vs. Jets game with GLP Westminster in a bent MM Washington Rob Roy along with a glass of Moscato wine.
  • JimInks
    JimInks replied to the thread What Are You Smoking Pages..
    Now smoking year 2019 G&H Dark Flake Unscented in a small smooth straight dark brown circa-1950s Lane Commodore paneled pot with a black...
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  • JimInks
    JimInks reacted to Balisong's post in the thread What Are You Smoking Pages. with Like Like.
    I'm on my third bowl of GLP Abingdon in my oldest bent MM Missouri Pride, current beverage is Moscato wine. I've had a great day...
  • JimInks
    JimInks replied to the thread What Are You Smoking Pages..
    Relaxing after a wonderful salad, chicken legs and sugar snap peas dinner with strawberries for dessert. I'm a quarter of the way...
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  • JimInks
    JimInks reacted to Singed's post in the thread What Are You Smoking Pages. with Like Like.
    My appointment to review my bloodwork was positive, my cholesterol is once again within normal parameters. I am grateful and relieved...
  • JimInks
    JimInks reacted to Swede's post in the thread What Are You Smoking Pages. with Like Like.
    A quick bowl of Steamworks and Amphora Original mix in the little Algerian. Just got done shaking the tree, and picking a 5 gallon...
  • JimInks
    JimInks replied to the thread What Are You Smoking Pages..
    Just passing the half way mark of this bowl of GLP Westminster in a full bend black pebble finish 2001 Rinaldo Lithos YY8 Titania Silver...
    • Rinaldo Lithos YY8 Titania Silver LinePebble egg.jpg
  • JimInks
    JimInks replied to the thread What Are You Smoking Pages..
    A marvelous photo!! It's amazing that their faces haven't changed that much. I'd recognize them anywhere. Thanks, a bunch, buddy. That...
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    • Irish Free State bullcap_222.jpg
  • JimInks
    JimInks reacted to Balisong's post in the thread What Are You Smoking Pages. with Love Love.
    After company left I refilled the MM Missouri Pride with GLP Abingdon and I'm taking some down time. Archie & Billy are having down time...
  • JimInks
    JimInks reacted to EZONSLOW's post in the thread What Are You Smoking Pages. with Like Like.
    I just woke up from a relaxing nap,enjoying a half bowl of Symphony because I have to be at work in an hour. Pete Strand,mug of Peet`s...