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Brothers of Briar

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  • JimInks
    JimInks replied to the thread What Are You Smoking Pages..
    Enjoyed a tasty golden delicious apple, and am smoking year 2012 Esoterica Dunbar in a smooth straight, dark brown early 1960s Lane era...
    • Conrad-Dublin copy.jpg
  • JimInks
    JimInks replied to the thread What Are You Smoking Pages..
    A quarter of the way through this bowl of year 2013 Capstan Blue Flake in a smooth dark brown post-WWII Comoy’s Grand Slam 340 patent...
    • Comoy's_Grand Slam_340billard.jpg
  • JimInks
    JimInks replied to the thread What Are You Smoking Pages..
    Relaxing after a wonderful salad, sword fish steaks and snow peas dinner with strawberries for dessert. I'm not far from finishing this...
    • Comoy’s_Lion's Head 123 pot.jpg
  • JimInks
    JimInks reacted to EZONSLOW's post in the thread What Are You Smoking Pages. with Like Like.
    Smoking a Pete Strand with PS b&b 23,Mug of decaf coffee. I was looking forward to the next 2 days off,but while I was napping I got a...
  • JimInks
    JimInks reacted to Singed's post in the thread What Are You Smoking Pages. with Like Like.
    Debating what to stuff in my Tomato meer, likely Smooth Black and Golden Cavendish.
  • JimInks
    JimInks reacted to Singed's post in the thread What Are You Smoking Pages. with Like Like.
    Back from lunch with Mom, difficult because the need to move to a more manageable accommodation is at hand. She isn't dependent but day...
  • JimInks
    JimInks reacted to Balisong's post in the thread What Are You Smoking Pages. with Like Like.
    Another game, another pipe. I just loaded a bent MM Washington Rob Roy with GLP Westminster. Watching the Packers vs. Rams and sipping...
  • JimInks
    JimInks reacted to Eutychus's post in the thread What Are You Smoking Pages. with Like Like.
    The missus has joined me outside. I'm smoking MB Mixture: Scottish in a Peterson Dublin Edition 999 with nickel band and vulcanite...
  • JimInks
    JimInks reacted to Swede's post in the thread What Are You Smoking Pages. with Like Like.
    Caught up on mowing now, so a bowl C&D Habana Daydream with some of their dry Turkish izmir on top to kindle i an MM Pride raw cob with...
  • JimInks
    JimInks replied to the thread What Are You Smoking Pages..
    Close to finishing this bowl of year 2012 Rolando’s Own in a smooth straight early ‘60s Lane era “William Conrad” Charatan Executive...
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  • JimInks
    JimInks replied to the thread What Are You Smoking Pages..
    Now smoking year 2016 Peter Heinrichs Special Curly in a straight smooth brown 1950s The Saint James London Pipe (Comoy’s second) 185M...
    • Comoy's_London PipeSJ_185M_billiard.jpg
  • JimInks
    JimInks reacted to Eutychus's post in the thread What Are You Smoking Pages. with Like Like.
    The other pipe that arrived is a NOS Peterson 312 smooth standard system pipe with vulcanite p-lip stem. I don't know how to date this...
  • JimInks
    JimInks reacted to Eutychus's post in the thread What Are You Smoking Pages. with Like Like.
    It's an Indian Summer day in the Bluegrass, but very pleasant with low humidity and a breeze. Yesterday goodies arrived from Steve Laug...
  • JimInks
    JimInks reacted to Swede's post in the thread What Are You Smoking Pages. with Like Like.
    Just found my Pete 302 with DGT of Steamworks in it. It's smoking, but think I'll top it off with something.
  • JimInks
    JimInks reacted to Balisong's post in the thread What Are You Smoking Pages. with Like Like.
    On a full day of NFL football I filled a bent MM Missouri Pride with C&D Star of the East and once this coffee is done I'll switch to...