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Brothers of Briar

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  • JimInks
    JimInks replied to the thread What Are You Smoking Pages..
    Enjoyed a tasty lunch, and have about a quarter of a bowl left of year 2020 Watch City Rouxgaroux in a smooth medium bend 2021 Peterson...
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  • JimInks
    JimInks replied to the thread What Are You Smoking Pages..
    Not much else to tell you. It was a gift from a friend. I did a favor for him, and told him that he was not allowed to retaliate. He did...
  • JimInks
    JimInks reacted to Eutychus's post in the thread What Are You Smoking Pages. with Like Like.
    Thanks @JimInks! I am eager to hear "... and now the rest of the story" a la Paul Harvey.
  • JimInks
    JimInks reacted to Singed's post in the thread What Are You Smoking Pages. with Like Like.
    Taking the Re-Gent and Velvet to work today, I hate waiting to come home before I can have a smoke, I feel naked at work w/o a pipe.
  • JimInks
    JimInks reacted to Gaius Marius's post in the thread What Are You Smoking Pages. with Like Like.
    Good morning BoB! With the cooling weather, I can't help myself from getting excited about the oncoming holidays. That same weather...
  • JimInks
    JimInks reacted to Balisong's post in the thread What Are You Smoking Pages. with Like Like.
    Good Morning! We had our first frost, it dropped to 28°F before dawn and the outside waterers needed to be de-iced. Now that I've...
  • JimInks
    JimInks replied to the thread What Are You Smoking Pages..
    Half way through this bowl of pre-2014 Edward G. Robinson's Pipe Blend in a 2014 Basil Meadows smooth slight bend squashed tomato with...
    • Basil_squashed_ tomato copy.jpg
  • JimInks
    JimInks replied to the thread What Are You Smoking Pages..
    Half way through this bowl of Watch City American Cut Plug Mixture in a straight smooth brown undated Gesandt Canadian Made in England...
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  • JimInks
    JimInks replied to the thread What Are You Smoking Pages..
    Now smoking year 2014 Sam Gawith Best Brown Flake in a straight smooth brown 1933-1945 Comoy’s patent Grand Slam 159 *4 apple with a...
    • Comoy's_Grand Slam_159apple.jpg
  • JimInks
    JimInks replied to the thread What Are You Smoking Pages..
    Enjoyed a tasty golden delicious apple, and am a quarter of the way through this bowl of year 2020 Pfeifen Huber Virginia Golden Flake...
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  • JimInks
    JimInks replied to the thread What Are You Smoking Pages..
    Relaxing after a wonderful salad, chicken legs and snow peas dinner with strawberries for dessert. I've passed the first third of this...
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  • JimInks
    JimInks replied to the thread What Are You Smoking Pages..
    Half way through this bowl of year 2021 Watch City Glass Slipper Micro-Batch in a post-2000 straight brown sandblasted Tom Eltang...
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    • TomatoBath1.jpg
  • JimInks
    JimInks reacted to Swede's post in the thread What Are You Smoking Pages. with Like Like.
    The S&R Pipes did so well this am that I'm having KBV Golf Fore Glory 2022 in it now.
  • JimInks
    JimInks replied to the thread What Are You Smoking Pages..
    Now smoking year 2022 unreleased Sutliff Brown Virginia Flake in a 1920s medium bend smooth dark brown BBB Umbra bulldog with a tapered...
    • BBB_Umbra_bulldog.jpg
  • JimInks
    JimInks reacted to Singed's post in the thread What Are You Smoking Pages. with Like Like.
    Decompressing after work with EGR in my Rossi Canadian with a Tyskie. Removed annuals today, cutting back perennials tomorrow, pruning...