Recent content by khiddy

Brothers of Briar

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  1. khiddy

    Hello from PNW

    Welcome from a fellow Pacific Northwesterner, currently in exile in Hoosierland!
  2. khiddy

    Samuel Gawith Cabbie's Mixture

    Just a heads-up: it appears that Estervals no longer takes Visa or Mastercard as payment, a change that has happened just in the past few weeks. Amex or Diner's Club are still options, though. A few folks on another board went all the way through the checkout process only to learn that at the end.
  3. khiddy

    New pipe and 3 tobaccos… when to move on to the other 2?

    When I’m trying a new blend, I typically smoke in a clay pipe first to get the pure flavor of the blend. Clays smoke drier than any other pipe I’ve used, which can make them a little sharp on the tongue. But they never (well, not yet) ghost, so I never have to think about smoking aros...
  4. khiddy

    What Are You Smoking Pages.

    Just finished a bowl of Country Squire Picayune Pancake in a newly-acquired Dr. Grabow (an inexpensive win on eBay) with an accompanying bottle of Angry Orchard Green Apple cider, and then a bowl of CS Summer Breeze peach-flavored aromatic in my MM mini, washed down with a Leinenkugel Juicy...
  5. khiddy

    Right now. Just got home from work

    I have a special “smoking jacket,” actually a very light bathrobe (but not even that thick), that I put on when heading to the patio with my pipe. It hangs on a hook near the back door, and it does a pretty good job of keeping my regular clothes from getting smoked out. Not a new idea, I know...
  6. khiddy

    A lovely thing...

    Nice looking pipe! This inspires a question: I have a box of Vauen filters that I picked up while traveling in Austria several years ago, and realized that I am not sure how to load them into my pipes - one cap-end of the filter is blue, the other is white, but I'm not sure if it makes a...
  7. khiddy

    Hello everyone

    As a new member myself, welcome!
  8. khiddy


    'Tis a pleasure to meet you!
  9. khiddy


    I hosted a 30-minute chat show about faith with a deacon friend, called Living Stones produced out of Portland’s KBVM Catholic station. We had occasional guests like theologians, artists, and clergy join us for conversation. It was a joy to cohost, and I am working on some new projects to get...
  10. khiddy


    Sadly I do not have a dry outside smoking spot, so I spent the evening jarring up my recent purchases from the bags they came in. Here’s to hoping that the weather tomorrow is slightly better for sitting on the patio with a bowl and a beverage!
  11. khiddy


    Hi folks, I’m glad to be here! I’m khiddy (found on all the socials under that name), living in South Bend, Indiana, originally from the Pacific Northwest. I work at a local institution of higher education of some renown, where I am a communications professional - I tell stories and get cheeks...