Recent content by mosin1932

Brothers of Briar

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  1. mosin1932

    Recommendations Please....

    Since it sounds like you're committed to making it work and will have plenty of opportunities to get the hang of it I would go with your first instinct and skip the cob (for now). The most important aspects of a pipe is that it has a comfortable bit and a good draw for you, a new briar from a...
  2. mosin1932

    Pipe Wanted Amorelli Patriot Smooth Bent Egg

    You may have already seen this one, it's not a bent egg but it's the only Amorelli patriot I've seen for sale.
  3. mosin1932

    Are pipe prices keeping pace with inflation or outpacing it?

    @Zeno Marx hit the nail on the head, I'm actually embarrassed for these people who's first impulse is to capitalize on a perceived profit at the direct expense of their values/hobby/community. Pick any market in the economy and it's obvious that COVID gave people a way to not only excuse their...
  4. mosin1932

    Pipe Wanted Wanted... Yer superfluous pipes

    Have your eye on any particular brands/shapes/vintages?
  5. mosin1932

    Crooked stinger/stem

    I have also done this trick a few times with good results, once unsuccessfully, but that pipe was so far gone I didn't have high hopes to begin with lol. @AlphaWarrior offers sage advice about how soft those metal screw tenons can be. I would first find out if the tenon was meant to be...
  6. mosin1932

    Accessories Wanted WTB or WTT Tobacco Samples

    I like your tastes! Just a heads up, and to the best of my knowledge, GLP Stonehenge was a limited run blend and is no longer in production. I too have wondered why GLP, MacBaren, and C&D especially, don't offer some combination of their blends as samples, I don't see how it could do anything...
  7. mosin1932

    What watch you wearing?

    I've been wearing a watch since I was a little kid so It feels like I forgot my pants if I leave home without it, and if I forget to wear one in the summer months I am rewarded with a deep sunburn around my wrist thanks to the tan-line I've developed lol. I won't spend more than $50 on a watch...
  8. mosin1932

    Help pick. What are your top three tins and bulk. Read below for more details

    You are in good company with those problems lol. I decided I need to narrow down my collection to pipes I actually enjoy smoking before I build a nice wall mounted rack for them. To help in that department I built a very rudimentary 7-day pipe rack, only smoking pipes from the rack I cycle out...
  9. mosin1932

    Hello from PNW

    Welcome MLB! Your profile picture also explains how estate pipe stems get the way they do... lol
  10. mosin1932

    Age of BoB members

    I was the one saying we should include the outliers from the beginning! Lol And I figured if there ever was a group to support some over-analysis and spirited discussion of something silly, it's right here!
  11. mosin1932

    Age of BoB members

    "The average is the statistical summary, in one value, of a group of numbers. There are three main types of averages: the mean (the sum or product of the values of a group of numbers divided by how many numbers there are in the group); the median (the middle value of a group of numbers); the...
  12. mosin1932

    Age of BoB members

    I apologize if my reply came across at all snarky Balisong! I made some typing errors, like skipping quite a few words words I thought I had wrote, and I've since realized I shouldn't do math while trying to write at the same time lol.
  13. mosin1932

    Age of BoB members

    We're at a mean average of 58.83 for everybody. But if you wanted to be a bully like @Balisong and exclude Gaius and myself as outliers, the average jumps up to 64.4. That 9.8% comes at the price of omitting over 16% of the data, and could lead to retaliation like the outliers excluding your...
  14. mosin1932

    The fickle nature of taste or: How do I get all of my mason jars back?

    Schrödinger's tobacco: If you never smoke it, you can never be dissapointed with it...
  15. mosin1932

    Age of BoB members

    I don't usually buy into all this astrology stuff, but what the heck. I'm 32... and based on your post my profile picture isn't doing me any favors lol!