Recent content by PawPaw

Brothers of Briar

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  1. PawPaw

    E a carey magic inch pipes

    I had one years ago. Ended up putting electrical tape over the vents to get some smoke out of the pipe. Not a fan.
  2. PawPaw

    .22 rifles

    My first 22 rifle as a kid was a 69a. Good old rifles
  3. PawPaw

    What Beard size are you?

    That’s hilarious and disturbing at the same time. 😂😂
  4. PawPaw

    What Are You Smoking Pages.

    Thank you.
  5. PawPaw

    My morning walk

    They sound fantastic. I need to find some to try.
  6. PawPaw

    My morning walk

    Nice pipe. How do duck eggs taste compared to chicken eggs?
  7. PawPaw

    Age of BoB members

    52 here.
  8. PawPaw

    What Beard size are you?

    I keep my beard somewhat trimmed short. My whiskers are gray and don’t want to cooperate.
  9. PawPaw

    What Are You Smoking Pages.

    Wilke Crystal Palace in my Peterson Christmas pipe. Folgers Black Silk on the side.
  10. PawPaw

    What Are You Smoking Pages.

    Wilke Rum & Maple in my Jobey bent bulldog.
  11. PawPaw

    I want to hear more more put downs of corncob pipes

    Here in the states we call these bib overalls.
  12. PawPaw

    .22 rifles

    I have always loved the Steven’s Favorite, and never had the chance to own one myself. I’m also a big 22 LR fan. Nice find!! 👍🏻👍🏻
  13. PawPaw

    The best Sherlock Holmes

    I enjoyed both Rathbone and Bruce and Brett and Hardwicke. Kinda lean towards the black and white with Basil and Nigel. At one time , I even had some of the old movies with Ron Howard playing Sherlock. Not the Happy Days Ron Howard.
  14. PawPaw

    Rhodesian vs Bulldog

    I’ve always thought it was the round vs diamond shank. I like both. Although I prefer the diamond shank( bulldog) because it stays put when you sit it down.