Recent content by pistolero

Brothers of Briar

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  1. pistolero

    Need Some Peterson System Advice

    Standard System does not have the aluminum piece on the end of the stem. Deluxe System does.
  2. pistolero

    Um...well that escalated quickly!

    Nice! I love my 614s!
  3. pistolero

    What Are You Smoking Pages.

    Rivendell in the 313. This little pipe is the best.
  4. pistolero

    What Are You Smoking Pages.

    Butternut Burley in this Peterson 306.
  5. pistolero

    What Are You Smoking Pages.

    Rivendell in a Pete 313.
  6. pistolero

    I hate Mondays

    Had an ignition switch put in my car yesterday. Seemed to go well. Set off to work this morning, wipers don't work, defrost blows out the wrong vents. Drove back to the house, drove the old lady's fancy new minivan to work so she can take mine back to them today. By the time I go back and start...
  7. pistolero

    What Are You Smoking Pages.

    Just opened a tub of Carter Hall. Burning a bowl of it in an old MM Legend.
  8. pistolero

    What Are You Smoking Pages.

    Double post sorry
  9. pistolero

    What Are You Smoking Pages.

    Butternut Burley in a Peterson System 306. As much as I love my PA, one of these aromatics (this, Rivendell, or Old Toby) may end up being my preferred all day smoke.
  10. pistolero

    What Are You Smoking Pages.

    Rivendell in a Peterson 313.
  11. pistolero

    Horrible Pipe [suggestions]

    So, how's the Vauen?
  12. pistolero

    What Are You Smoking Pages.

    Old Toby in a Missouri Pride naked cob.
  13. pistolero

    GBD 9456

    OK I smoked a bowl of PA in it. The ghost is 99% gone. Nothing a few bowls won't get rid of. Not a great smoke though. Maybe when it gets some cake back in it it will be OK..
  14. pistolero

    Early Christmas gift

    Looks great.