Recent content by Rebel Ghost

Brothers of Briar

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  1. Rebel Ghost

    Black Walnut DIY Pipe

    Any update on how hot it gets?
  2. Rebel Ghost

    Tobacco reviews blocked?

    Blocked here also. NC USA
  3. Rebel Ghost

    Black Walnut DIY Pipe

    Love black walnut. Such a nice wood to work with. Looks great. Wonder how it will do with the heat?
  4. Rebel Ghost

    New from Charlotte

    Welcome. Bout an hour north of you also.
  5. Rebel Ghost

    Age of BoB members

  6. Rebel Ghost

    What Are You Smoking Pages.

    Starting the morning at the outer banks with some Stokkebye 4th Gen. 1931 flake in a Savanelli Octogano straight paneled billiard.
  7. Rebel Ghost

    Any Carter Hall lovers or haters?

    Supposedly it's what Lee Van Cleef smoked.
  8. Rebel Ghost

    Any Carter Hall lovers or haters?

    The Sutliff CH Match is pretty good too. Not sure how close it is to the original.
  9. Rebel Ghost

    Talk to me about English blends

    The only ones I would worry about would be an aeromatic with a heavy topping.
  10. Rebel Ghost

    Talk to me about English blends

    None of those particular tobaccos should ghost your pipe.
  11. Rebel Ghost

    What Are You Smoking Pages.

    Boswell's Countryside in a 2012 Nording Hunter.
  12. Rebel Ghost

    What Are You Smoking Pages.

    Smoking some Edward G. Robinson's blend in my great grandfathers Dickens straight billard. I have seen this pipe in pictures of him, but he died in 1963 so I never met him. This pipe is at least from the 1930's because my grandfather was in the pictures prior to WWII. I am assuming it was a...
  13. Rebel Ghost

    Vintage RJ Reynolds Prince Albert Tin and Tobacco

    I miss the old Tinderbox stores... My brother still smokes North Sea religiously.
  14. Rebel Ghost

    Vintage RJ Reynolds Prince Albert Tin and Tobacco

    I don't think PA was put into those tins as late as 1987. My great grandfather smoked PA and the only tins like that of his were all prior to 1963. Some years after that it was the same shape/packaging, but made from cardboard. Kinda similar to a pack of cheap cigars. Nice find you made. I...
  15. Rebel Ghost

    Smoke Rings from Carolina

    Thomasville NC here Welcome