Recent content by Sherlock

Brothers of Briar

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  1. S

    Checking in from the Gulf Coast in TX

  2. S

    Tobacco reviews blocked?

    It's time to get a VPN. I use Nord. I do it for privacy and protection, but from time to time I find myself blocked due to location and I won't be having that.
  3. S

    What Are You Reading?

    I'm about halfway through Burning in Water, Drowning in Flames, a collection of Bukowski. I read a lot of poetry and he was recommended.
  4. S

    What Are You Reading?

    I'm rereading The User Illusion by Tor Nørretranders. It's been a decade or so since I last read it.
  5. S

    My kids could never do this.

    Dogs. My kids will fight over who gets to go through the door first. I'm sending them this video so they know.
  6. S

    Goodbye Watson.

    Condolences on your loss of Watson.
  7. S

    Happy New Year Brothers of the Briar

    Happy New Year!!!! May 2025 be a great year for each of you.
  8. S

    Hi, from New Brunswick, Canada

    Welcome to the forum.
  9. S

    Does anyone know the history of Manu pipes?

    Welcome to the forum. I'm sure a few of our members will see this soon and help you with information. I don't have information on that pipe, or I would help you.
  10. S

    Novo membro de Portugal

    Welcome to BoB!
  11. S

    Hello Everyone

    Welcome to BoB!
  12. S

    Post smoker from NJ

    Welcome to the forum.
  13. S

    Hello everyone,

    Welcome to the forum!
  14. S

    Thanks for having me

    Welcome to the forum, Sean.
  15. S

    Its my "Anniversary"

    Congrats on your anniversary!