Recent content by smokeyjay88

Brothers of Briar

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  1. smokeyjay88

    Howdy From Orange, Texas

    Welcome to BoB. I spent quite a bit of time years ago visiting friends near Orange. Went to Mauriceville crawfish festival a few times. Great small towns and people in Southeast Texas.
  2. smokeyjay88

    Greetings from Catalonia!

    Welcome Pau. You have found a nice group of people here at BoB. Very helpful when I was getting started. I visited Catalonia about 9 years ago from NC, USA. Beautiful places and very friendly people. Nice to have you join.
  3. smokeyjay88

    What Are You Smoking Pages.

    Thank you. Great group here. I appreciate all of the shared experiences and advice.
  4. smokeyjay88

    What Are You Smoking Pages.

    How are you enjoying the CRF? I just ordered their latest release. I'm waiting for delivery today. Being born and raised in Carolina tobacco country. I am looking forward to trying it.
  5. smokeyjay88

    What Are You Smoking Pages.

    All excellent!