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Brothers of Briar

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  1. S

    Virginia forward english recommendations

    Try C&D Star Of The East Gold. It comes in bulk so you can just get an oz or two. Here's the description from TR "Beginning with stoved bright Virginias, followed by equal measures of Cyprian Latakia and red Virginias for a bit of body, Star of the East Gold then incorporates a fair amount of...
  2. S

    The fickle nature of taste or: How do I get all of my mason jars back?

    Offer them up for trade or sale. Mabye make some newbie samplers for sale.
  3. S

    Help pick. What are your top three tins and bulk. Read below for more details

    If you are a newb and want to buy 3 lbs of bulk. you should buy them in 2oz incraments. That will give you 24 samples to try. I wouls suggest some Va/Pers, some english blends, maybe a balkan or two, some burley blends, maybe a straight virginia. Go to tobacco reviews and read what people are...
  4. S

    A few Cornell and Diehl Questions

    You can get more here's-Blend/product_id/135018/bulk/
  5. S

    EGR- First time

    What Blackhorse is saying is that the 411 in the op was awol. But JimInks made everything A-OK. :lol!:
  6. S

    McClellands 2010 bulk

    Zeno, it has a little. Here's the description as per P&C: "McClelland’s #2020 Matured Cake is a unique experience. Aging of this blend of Lemon and Orange Virginias, Xanthi and Latakia in cakes develops an extra margin of smoothness and an uncommonly rich flavor that is refined, not heavy." The...
  7. S

    McClellands 2010 bulk

    If you don't mind a little latakia and orientals, try 2020. The lat and orientals are way in the background but add that little something extra for complexity.
  8. S

    Liking red cake

    Has anyone tried C&D's Red Virginia Cavendish? It sounds good and sweet.
  9. S

    first latakia bowl

    Rev, I get a similar flavor when I smoke PS English Oriental Supreme. Russ from Pipes & Cigars told me it is a combination of latakia and orientals. To me, it reminds me of incense. I, personally enjoy this very much.
  10. S

    Pipes and Cigars Bulk Favorites

    I just ordered them on Sat., with the free ground shipping they should go out today. I'll prolly get them next week (you know how slow UPS can be). :roll:
  11. S

    Pipes and Cigars Bulk Favorites

    If you decide to buy some bulks, get the bulk sampler. The bulk prices are $4.94 an oz but, if you get the sampler you get 2 oz of each for about 50 cents more. That's what I did. I got AJ's vaper, Anni. Kake, Ambassador, Armada, Larry's blend, and Virginia Spice. 12 oz for $33. I also threw in...
  12. S

    Howdy from Central Texas

    Thanks for the warm welcomes guys. Kaiser, that's what I was planning to do, hence the lack of posts for now, but thanks for the advice. While looking through the forums I noticed some familiar handles from Herfers Paradise (a great cigar site witha great bunch of guys). Thanks again for the...
  13. S

    meerschaum pipes

    I've been going to all the local tobacconists and cigar shops to see what they have in the line of pipe tobacco, and one thing I noticed is that most of them have meerschaum pipes from the same company. They all come with fuzzy lined cases and the brand SMS on the inside. Does anyone know...
  14. S

    Howdy from Central Texas

    Hello, My name is Jim and I am new to pipe smoking. I have been smoking cigars for about 10 years and thought I would give pipes a go. I have always loved the smell of a pipe. Last week I purchased an estate pipe and have since purchased a few samples of tobacco to try. I hope to learn a lot...