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Brothers of Briar

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  • Swede
    Swede reacted to daveinlax's post in the thread Where does the "taste" come from? with Like Like.
    Neill Roan did an interesting paper and presentation on the thermodynamics of pipe smoking years ago. I took it that the taste comes...
  • Swede
    Swede replied to the thread Where does the "taste" come from?.
    I know that for me, the most taste comes from a gentle retrohale, usually as part of the "breathe" way of smoking.
  • Swede
    Swede reacted to Bill (w/eoPd)'s post in the thread Where does the "taste" come from? with Like Like.
    Considering the significance of olfaction in taste perception, it seems the author is contending that the observable flavor is actually...
  • Swede
    Swede reacted to Balisong's post in the thread Pipe rack question with Like Like.
    Two of my pipe racks. I read somewhere that storing pipes bowl up helped it to dry out. They also have a small footprint. I tried a...
  • Swede
    Swede reacted to MLBbreton's post in the thread Pipe rack question with Like Like.
    I'm a bowl down guy for the looks. Never seen a sales display stem down. You can't smoke them all-all the time. I love looking at my...
  • Swede
    Swede reacted to Idlefellow's post in the thread Pipe rack question with Like Like.
    I too read that book years ago and still have it. As I recall his idea of a "pipe rack" was to pound nails in the wall on which to hang...
  • Swede
    Swede reacted to Bluecow's post in the thread Pipe rack question with Like Like.
    I would be curious why it's stupid or is this just his opinion and anyone that doesn't follow his eminent wisdom is a fool. I would...
  • Swede
    Swede reacted to Musicus's post in the thread Pipe rack question with Like Like.
    I'm reading in "The Pipe" (a book by Georges Herment) that the best way to store a pipe is vertically, with the bowl on top and stem...
  • Swede
    Swede reacted to MLBbreton's post in the thread One and only with Like Like.
    I layer for fun sometimes and used to try different types and orders with a friend. When we hit a good one we'd smoke it together. It's...
  • Swede
    Swede reacted to Zeno Marx's post in the thread Fine Gifts with Like Like.
    Those are some VERY nice pipes. I remember when Ser Jacopo first hit the US market. I remember that being the first time I ran into...
  • Swede
    Swede reacted to TripleCappedPiper's post in the thread Fine Gifts with Wow Wow.
    Today, I received the single most generous bomb I've ever seen. A brother named Scott (who very well might have been on here at one...
  • Swede
    Swede reacted to Balrog314's post in the thread My new pipe station with Like Like.
    What al lovely saturday! I went for a morning stroll and I found this cypress root. I don’t know, I saw it and immediately thought...
  • Swede
    Swede reacted to Singed's post in the thread Great minds... with Like Like.
    Nope, no shoe. Someone mentioned they liked one of my pipes and I guess I got a little gushy. ☺️
  • Swede
    Swede reacted to Singed's post in the thread Great minds... with Like Like.
    There is something truly heartwarming about discovering that another member shares your own sense of style. I am always cheered by...
  • Swede
    Swede replied to the thread Burley recommendations.
    You've gotten some great suggestions, and I would add WatchCity Cigar has several great burley blends like American Cut Plug, Stubbs...