Hey. All the articles I have looked at about briar claim Grecian is the best of the best but I have a feeling that it may be more difficult to work with because it's most likely going to be harder wood than other types but I'm no expert.
Hi all. I own over 70 pipes and enjoy them all. I do however have my favorites and believe it or not they are my collection of Carey Magic Inch pipes. These are pipes on par with Medico and Kaywoodie pipes. They have been around since the forties. Anyway they make them all over the world not...
Hey there fellow pipers. I have a question about this big KBB pipe. Do you know what it is or called? The only markings on the pipe is the KBB in a clover stamped on the silver or nickel band but no numbers, or a specific name. I don't even have a clue on it's age although I would say 60s or...
Have you ever tried a P Lip bit. You mostly find them on Peterson pipes and some Grabow pipes like the Omega. A P Lip tip sends the smoke to the roof of your mouth and circulate around in your mouth as a standard bit shoots the smoke on your tongue. I love my P Lips. You may to!
If your pipe stem will except filters you first need to know the size you need. Most filters are either 6mm or 9mm. Once you know that any online pipe and tobacco store sells them. The most popular I would say are Dr. Grabow and Medico. If you want balsa wood filters Savenellie sells both sizes...
Gotta go with Curse of oak island, Skin Walker ranch and for goofy stuff Everybody loves Raymond and Mike and Molly. The short bald fat Italian guy going out with the mother is hysterical
You have some nice pipes. I'll get the one laying flat on the table is a good ol Boswell. I own three and wish I could afford a few more. I love his pipes and tobacco. Good luck.
To bad you can't find them. Today they go from around 35 to 80 bucks or so on EBay depending on condition of course and how many different bowls come with them and there condition also. I don't know if you have ever tried a Falcon but I think you should. I wasn't a fan of them for many years...
Very nice. I really like the shillelagh. That's next on my list. There is someone selling new ones in different colors and without bowls on e bay. I was looking at them yesterday. They cost a pretty Penney though. About 50.00 bucks. Is your white bowl a meer or briar?
First let me say that I love all my pipes. Metal, corn cob and briar. They all have something different to offer from style to functionality but this question is about my metal pipes and two in particular. The Falcon and the Kirsten. If you own both then please vote. Which one do you like the...
Hi all. I'm hoping I may get some help on a pipe I am thinking of purchasing. It is a Savinelli antique shell 604. I'm pretty sure this is not made anymore but it is a good looking room style pipe and its in good to excellent shape. Problem is I have no idea how much its worth and I can find no...
I have always enjoyed sweet tasting tobacco's. There are what seems like hundreds of brands that make the claims of sweet tasting tobacco and I have been disappointed every time I received and smoked the tobacco I had ordered until a year ago when I discovered Boswell tobaccos. I ordered tobacco...
Hi all. Just wanted to give everyone a heads up on a very nice Missouri meerschaum that is not available from there site but it is on Smoking Pipes. Com It is the 2021 LE Christmas pipe. I don't know how many they made mine is numbered 769. It is stamped on the sterling silver band. I loaded...