Recent content by Tinmantoo

Brothers of Briar

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  1. Tinmantoo

    Favorite whiskey/whisky?

    Jefferson for me.....
  2. Tinmantoo

    Age of BoB members

    67 here.....
  3. Tinmantoo

    Who has working smoke detectors in their home?

    All hard wired home here, sometimes a PIA when one goes off (dust maybe), then they all go off. better to have them than not.
  4. Tinmantoo

    Old Mixture 79

    WV Tobacco 1 oz - 5 lbs.
  5. Tinmantoo

    Smoking hot, Eva Green.

    .............someday, going to have to photo shop a pipe to my avatar "babe"..............
  6. Tinmantoo

    How hot does your electric coffee maker brew your morning coffee?

    K cup Duo with drip carafe, Maxwell House original (200 deg F)
  7. Tinmantoo

    Talk to me about English blends

    should not ghost your pipe as long as you have good cleaning practices.
  8. Tinmantoo

    New to this Forum

    I just sold my rental house in Derry last December, small world. :)
  9. Tinmantoo

    New to this Forum

    Spent two weeks down there in my youth, 1989. Watched the Berlin wall come down from a bar stool...........
  10. Tinmantoo

    New to this Forum

    I am in North Salem, right on the boarder of the communist state of MA.................
  11. Tinmantoo

    New to this Forum

    Good morning, hailing from New Hampshire USA. Looking forward to different perspectives and possibly adding some of my own. Bill