The best Sherlock Holmes

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Well-known member
Mar 21, 2008
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I'm an old buzzard LOL so IMHO Basil Rathbone and Nigel Bruce were the best of the best in this series hands down. I'm sure others have a different opinion and you're welcome to it. :D :D :D
I prefer the stories to the movies. I like my Sherlock best!

By the way, Sherlock Holmes is my favorite literary character of all. :pipe:
Sadly my only foray into the world of Detective Holmes was the Hounds of Baskervilles. I enjoyed it but i believe it was remade for a younger audience. I'm always looking to add books to my collection so if there are any suggestions... 8)
I have the complete collection of Sir Doyal's Sherlock short stories and novels in two volumes. By the way, Doyal's Sherlock is the only one that counts!
Aaron":nxoj6ub1 said:
I have the complete collection of Sir Doyal's Sherlock short stories and novels in two volumes. By the way, Doyal's Sherlock is the only one that counts!
Have this same set of books and I have to say they're all rather enjoyable. I've never been a big Holmes fan, but I received this collection as a gift and, being short of other stuff to read, started working my way through it. Not bad, just not my "reach for" when it comes to literature.

@SmokeyTweed, if you're looking for a place to start, this collection is pretty good and relatively cost-effective. Mine's paperback and I'm sure didn't cost the gifter a pretty penny.
I believe I picked up the complete works, two volumes, at Barnes and Noble for 15 bucks.
I'm a Jeremy Brett fan--he really has that air of superiority and manic control that I imagine Holmes having in the books... like a Victorian Dr. House. (Hugh Laurie would make a fine Holmes, for what it's worth.)
I've got a 5 DVD set of an English TV show from the 50's which starred
Ronald Howard as Holmes.Not as good as Rathbone but then nobody was.
Interesting fact;after Doyle died his heirs squandered his money living large
and they sold the rights to the books and all and squandered that too. :x

Winslow :sunny:
Jeremy Brett! There is no other Sherlock. He brought a turbulent arrogance to the role that was perfect. His Sherlock was a genius and he knew it, but there was always tension underlying his accurate solutions. It seemed like he was struggling with his savage self underneath the civilized Englishman. I can’t read any of the stories without seeing Jeremy Brett.
hazmat":j4hssez6 said:
Aaron":j4hssez6 said:
I have the complete collection of Sir Doyal's Sherlock short stories and novels in two volumes. By the way, Doyal's Sherlock is the only one that counts!
Have this same set of books and I have to say they're all rather enjoyable. I've never been a big Holmes fan, but I received this collection as a gift and, being short of other stuff to read, started working my way through it. Not bad, just not my "reach for" when it comes to literature.

@SmokeyTweed, if you're looking for a place to start, this collection is pretty good and relatively cost-effective. Mine's paperback and I'm sure didn't cost the gifter a pretty penny.
Thanks for the info Hazmat i'll definitely look into it.

IMHO I always thought that Gary Oldman would do a wonderful portrayal of Sherlock Holmes. Added bonus: he's actually English! But i'm sure Downey Jr. will be able to pull it off.
what's this?!? Downey,jr to play sherlock? when is this movie coming out? is there a title?
It's not set to be out until 2010. It's also said that it will be a much more adventurous Holmes than previously depicted. I hope they don't screw it all up by trying to turn him into some Indian Jones.
I was just thinking the same thing,,,in order to appeal to the younger audience and make millions,,,,
Well if history is an indicator another film company will put out another Holmes movie shortly after taking a different spin on it. Like they did with Wyatt Earp after Tombstone. Armageddon/Deep Impact, etc. Could just be wishful thinking on my part though. :lol:
My info might be a little wrong here but i heard that Guy Ritchie (Snatch & Lock, Stock and two smoking barrels) is directing the Sherlock holmes movie with Downey Jr. but while they are filming that Judd Apatow(Talladega nights, 40 yr old virgin) is shooting a sherlock holmes movie casting none other than Will Ferrel as the famous detective and they will both come out within six months of each other supposedly!
That would make sense but I'd assume then it would be a comedy?
jhuggett":9p4xkgo5 said:
That would make sense but I'd assume then it would be a comedy?
I don't think Will Ferrel could do anything else...except maybe host the oscars? :p
SmokeyTweed":bt8lkk1a said:
My info might be a little wrong here but i heard that Guy Ritchie (Snatch & Lock, Stock and two smoking barrels) is directing the Sherlock holmes movie with Downey Jr. but while they are filming that Judd Apatow(Talladega nights, 40 yr old virgin) is shooting a sherlock holmes movie casting none other than Will Ferrel as the famous detective and they will both come out within six months of each other supposedly!
You are correct sir. These are both scheduled to be filmed around the same time however I have heard nothing of the Apatow version being filmed yet. I'm assuming one of his films takes probably 2 months to shoot while a Ritchie film probably 3-4 and then requires more post production as well.