I retired my 20+ year old pierre cardin wallet. I got this off aliexpress for around $6 AU which is prob 12cUS 
I usually wear cargo type pants and keep it in the leg pockets but I think it would be ok for back pocket also.
The molle patch didn't come with it but it has a card holder pocket inside also. It's got a carabiner on it so I could also hang from belt.
I like the spare change pocket and it will let me carry a lot of EDCs that I can't carry in a conventional wallet.
Ill let you know when I field test it, just hope the moths like it as I have short arms and long pockets
Just thought I would share let me know if you have a cool unconventional type wallet

I usually wear cargo type pants and keep it in the leg pockets but I think it would be ok for back pocket also.
The molle patch didn't come with it but it has a card holder pocket inside also. It's got a carabiner on it so I could also hang from belt.
I like the spare change pocket and it will let me carry a lot of EDCs that I can't carry in a conventional wallet.
Ill let you know when I field test it, just hope the moths like it as I have short arms and long pockets
Just thought I would share let me know if you have a cool unconventional type wallet

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