New pipe and 3 tobaccos… when to move on to the other 2?

Brothers of Briar

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Jun 17, 2024
Reaction score
Chantilly VA
I bought a new pipe and:

Golden cavendish,
English blend with Latakia,
C+d autumn evening

I have been exclusively smoking the golden cav, as I had heard that smoky (lat) and especially aromatics are not the best choice for a new pipe. But my question is - does it matter? Does it matter if I break in the bowl with 15 smokes of the golden, and then smoke the others, or will it ghost no matter how long I wait before trying the others, when I try the others?
I smoke anything in anything. It doesn't bother me if I am smoking english and there is still a bit of aro at the bottom or vice versa. I have never noticed or worry about ghosting. I am a little embarrassed saying all that but its true.
Don't be embarrassed, just means you're living free.
I used to think my palate wasn’t sophisticated enough too. I returned to pipe smoking after many years layoff and found so much info on YouTube that I never knew existed. When I discovered Muttonchops and the breath method, it was like a revelation. Suddenly I was tasting the tobacco like I never had done before.
I used to think my palate wasn’t sophisticated enough too. I returned to pipe smoking after many years layoff and found so much info on YouTube that I never knew existed. When I discovered Muttonchops and the breath method, it was like a revelation. Suddenly I was tasting the tobacco like I never had done before.
Same here on Muttonchops.
I have a pipe for aeromatics- or rather sweet tobaccos. I think the flavor accumulates over time into a sweeter flavor.
In my other pipes, I'm not picky.
I smoke multiple tobaccos out of the same pipe. I just remove the cake to a dime width. Smoke what you want. Aromatics are easy, just smoke them slower and be prepared for a relight or two.
Thats fantastic, David.
It never occurred to me to use a coin to ream pipes. It'll be trivial to attach a coin to a rod to make a usable tool, thanks for the idea!
When I’m trying a new blend, I typically smoke in a clay pipe first to get the pure flavor of the blend. Clays smoke drier than any other pipe I’ve used, which can make them a little sharp on the tongue. But they never (well, not yet) ghost, so I never have to think about smoking aros back-to-back with English or Balkan blends. Cobs have the same reputation for non-ghosting, though I still prefer my clays for new blends.

(Note, lakeland blends have a reputation for ghosting even “unghostable” cobs and clays, though I haven’t yet seen/tasted that happening in my own clays, where I smoke G&H aromatic flakes and twist along with non-Lakeland blends.)