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Apr 5, 2023
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Just thought I would share some things I am thinking, in the vein of what I would have liked to tell myself when I started:

  1. Don't pack the bowl too tight. I pretty much use the Frank Method - gravity feed the bowl to the top, giving the bottom of the bowl a couple of hard slaps into your palm, much like one would do with a new pack of cigarettes. Then take a pinch and shove it in the top until it's level. Should be very little resistance. This gives me a very consistently good smoke.
  2. Smoke slowly. Everyone says it, but I'll say it again: sip the smoke. When I started, I couldn't see how I could have a good smoke unless I was Hotboxing the Planet. Now I love taking the time to taste the tobacco.
  3. Don't buy every tobacco you see. Start with a couple or three solid recommended aromatic or codger blends, and learn how to smoke those before you branch out. There's no magic tobacco that's going to make you a good pipe smoker. If it's not going well, it's probably you, not the tobacco.
  4. Don't buy every pipe you see. One pipe will do the trick to start, and probably don't invest in more until you get the hang. A close corollary to this is, might as well spend the good money and get a well-made pipe. People do have success with basket pipes, but it's more of a lottery; go for the sure thing.
  5. Don't overdo it at the start. Until you are able to smoke with some skill, if you try to smoke too many times in a day, you can abuse your taste buds to the point where nothing's going to taste good. Smoke once in a day, at most.
  6. Read and watch videos. A lot. Learning from other's mistakes is a good thing.
Hope this helps someone.
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Very wise words Bergy on all points(y) no.1 I remember many years ago reading or someone saying how you should pack a pipe in 3 pinches of backy. The first pack with baby fingers the 2nd like a woman soft touch and the 3rd like a man firm hand. Every time I pack a pipe it comes into my mind like muscle memory that saying.
Really great insight and reflection mate thanks (y):)
Wise words.

My personal starting advice is get a good but inexpensive factory pipe that speaks to you from a reputable company like Peterson, Savinelli or Stanwell. If around $100 is too much, go estate or go corn. A bad pipe is often a dampener on enthusiasm.

Cobs are great for finding a tobacco you like. I found va pers to be my cup of tea. To each their own on that but if you try orangesicle or cherry in a decent pipe, it’s lost to heavy aromatic forever.

If you find your blend or three, build a rotation slowly and to your budget. I love pipes made by individual craftspeople rather than factory, but going crazy early is silly.

I’m not overly social, but pipe shows are a lot of fun and a great learning opportunity. So much better buying from a carver you meet than online in my opinion. You remember them every time you smoke it.