Just thought I would share some things I am thinking, in the vein of what I would have liked to tell myself when I started:
- Don't pack the bowl too tight. I pretty much use the Frank Method - gravity feed the bowl to the top, giving the bottom of the bowl a couple of hard slaps into your palm, much like one would do with a new pack of cigarettes. Then take a pinch and shove it in the top until it's level. Should be very little resistance. This gives me a very consistently good smoke.
- Smoke slowly. Everyone says it, but I'll say it again: sip the smoke. When I started, I couldn't see how I could have a good smoke unless I was Hotboxing the Planet. Now I love taking the time to taste the tobacco.
- Don't buy every tobacco you see. Start with a couple or three solid recommended aromatic or codger blends, and learn how to smoke those before you branch out. There's no magic tobacco that's going to make you a good pipe smoker. If it's not going well, it's probably you, not the tobacco.
- Don't buy every pipe you see. One pipe will do the trick to start, and probably don't invest in more until you get the hang. A close corollary to this is, might as well spend the good money and get a well-made pipe. People do have success with basket pipes, but it's more of a lottery; go for the sure thing.
- Don't overdo it at the start. Until you are able to smoke with some skill, if you try to smoke too many times in a day, you can abuse your taste buds to the point where nothing's going to taste good. Smoke once in a day, at most.
- Read and watch videos. A lot. Learning from other's mistakes is a good thing.
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