lockpicking - so much for those locks being worth the money

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Zeno Marx

Well-known member
Jun 26, 2010
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If you watch this sort of thing (ie are into locks), I'm sure this is of no surprise. I don't think most people are keyed into picking locks as a hobby or for criminal purposes (pun intended). They buy what is recommended, or what is the biggest or most expensive, and that's the end of this utility decision. When I rode a bike for my main transportation in a bigger city, I bought the biggest Master padlock at whatever store I was in's shelf and coupled it with a cable. Heavy, but not as heavy as those U-locks. I only considered weight and whether a smallish bolt cutter would be able to chomp the lock. If they want the bike, they're going to get it. I can't worry, and lessen, my life about it. Looks like spending $15 was smarter than spending $100+ and lugging around a giant specialized lock was a good move.

This youtube channel popped up in the recommendations. I got curious. Blew my mind. A couple things: 1) how quickly, and seemingly easily, this guy opened these $125 bike locks 2) that he designed, and is now selling, a little tool to pick locks. Don't be a criminal, but help criminals. Capitalism is grand. I do have to admit that watching a couple of his videos was fascinating. The U-lock found at Walmart that what most people likely buy is even more useless than the ones that come recommended and are shown in this video. They can't easily cut the metal, but the lock mechanism is the weak link.

I like this guy, the lockpicking lawyer, but I like even better bosnian bill mentioned in this video.

After watching some bosnian bill videos and ordering a set of Sparrows picks he recommended it blew my mind that I could pick the Master locks we have around the house. I only practice on locks that I own. It's a good skill to have.
I watch LPL, it’s crazy how a lock can be “pick proof” the lock picking lawyer gets it opened.

Gonna have to check out Bosnian bill.
I was going to post this up on recommended videos to watch thread but this thread came up on search so ill post it here. Same here Zeno I saw this on side bar while looking at parra cord vids.
Any would be thief's look away now :LOL: I found them ingenious.

The above video works just click watch on youtube
Also with battery powered angle grinders, no lock is keeping someone out for long these days.

Our local volunteer fire service have had to move their tool trailers to members garages as they were being broken into when parked on the streets out the front of their houses. Absolute scum to steal from a volunteer organisation.
Also with battery powered angle grinders, no lock is keeping someone out for long these days.

Our local volunteer fire service have had to move their tool trailers to members garages as they were being broken into when parked on the streets out the front of their houses. Absolute scum to steal from a volunteer organisation.
Yep Timbo I was thinking the same thing re angle grinders as well. Saw some F&^Kknuckles using one to get through the security fence to deface Stonehenge on the news.
And as for the low lifes that steal and especially off volunteer organization's. I hope their earholes turn to assholes and they shit over their shoulders!
Yep Timbo I was thinking the same thing re angle grinders as well. Saw some F&^Kknuckles using one to get through the security fence to deface Stonehenge on the news.
And as for the low lifes that steal and especially off volunteer organization's. I hope their earholes turn to assholes and they shit over their shoulders!

Defo mate, seeing as the trailers were parked out front for speed of response to a fire. Would be absolute karma if one of the stealing scum had their property on fire and due to the delay of getting the trailer out they lost their house.
I used to do that when I worked the 7pm to 7am security guard shift at the warehouses. It turned into a nightly hobby to break the boredom. Fastest time picking a lock - 3 seconds. A couple of locks I never could get open. Medeco locks are the hardest to pick, or they were back then, those are the ones I never could get open. The cheap warded locks you can pick with a paperclip. Usually the more expensive the lock the harder it is to pick. I'd say my success rate was about 90% getting padlock and door locks open. I only ever used two picks out of the set 99% of the time.

The only drawback with the grinders is you can't burgle the place and leave no trace. The art of lock picking is you can get in, steal, then leave and lock it back and the owner would never know until he found his stuff missing.
I was going to post this up on recommended videos to watch thread but this thread came up on search so ill post it here. Same here Zeno I saw this on side bar while looking at parra cord vids.
Any would be thief's look away now :LOL: I found them ingenious.

The above video works just click watch on youtube

That's a whole lot of hassle to go thru to make a rake when you can just do it by hand. I can have a dozen locks raked by hand by the time you can build that thing.
Plus that gadget makes a misdemeanor a felony in most all the U.S. if you're caught with it.
I was slightly infamous way back in high-school for being able to crack some locks. It was never more than a party trick to me. It's good knowledge that the overwhelming majority of locks that you can buy are but a YouTube video from cracking because you need to account for that. Keep your loved ones and stuff safe!