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Brothers of Briar

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You might find the writings of Christopher Hitchens similarly thought provoking. He was a radical in the sense that he never felt he needed to espouse the full doctrinal menu of any one movement just because he agreed on one of their views. Instead, he picked freely from often disparate movements thereby irking many but delighting those had come to similarly broad ranging positions on their own.

He also coined the razor, “That which can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.” Sadly he died in 2011.
Is Atheism Dead? Eric Metaxas. The author takes on the Four Horseman of the New Atheism -Christopher Hitchens, Richard Dawkins, Daniel Dernnett and Sam Harris with arguments from nanoscience and quantum physics. The author also spotlights the stories of some of the best scientists of the last century -and former leading atheists-whose scholarship and intellectual honesty eventually lead them to accept a created universe. This book has been a #1 best seller and has been translated into 25 languages.
Beach book #1: Extinction: Douglas Preston.
