Virginia forward english recommendations

Brothers of Briar

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Oct 13, 2024
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Hi there! I'm a new member here, I've been smoking pipes for around 15 years now. I am looking for an English blend that is virginia forward, a blend that contains oriental and latakia but they don't dominate the whole smoking experience. The closest I have found is squadron leader, I like that you have the smokyness present but you can really taste the delicious sweetness of the Virginia's, with almost like a cinnamon like hint in the background. I'm trying to find other Virginia forward english blends so I'm not relying only on one blend. Thanks!
Welcome to the group! Two G. L. Pease blends with a higher level of Virginia are Ashbury and Kensington, the Latakia and Orientals are there but not dominant.
Welcome to the group!
I wish I had something to offer as a recommendation but I don't gravitate towards Virginia forward blends most of the time. I'm unqualified!
Welcome Kevin, I do enjoy some GLP Chelsea Morning.

Heavy on the Virginia and a dash of Latakia and Orientals to spice it up a bit.
Thank you all! I didn't expect that many responses already, I am grateful! I am blessed to have been able to build up a pretty big cellar, so I already have ashbury and kensington on hand, I just haven't tried them yet, but I will do so soon! I also have Chelsea morning. Also, I actually like latakia in my english blends, I just prefer it to be more condiments and not overpowering. And even in many blends where it is more in the background, the orientals are in the forefront, not as much the virginias. Squadron leader is one that fits the bill, but it seems that sometimes samuel gawith blends can be hard to come by, so I want to expand my options.
Hey Brother, I like the same kind of blends! I have been enjoying Rattray"s Professional Mixture. Thanks for the recommendation of Squadron Leader!

No problem brother! Squadron leader is especially delicious after a couple years of age, a nice balance of sweet and smokey, with what, to me anyways, I can only describe as a kind of cinnamon like spice. Please let me know what you think of it if you try it.
I actually do want some latakia, I just don't want it to be overpowering the sweetness of the virginias. I actually have two 8 oz tins of embarcadero in the cellar, I have yet to try it but I am looking forward to it. I bought it because I hadn't heard of many virginia/orienatal blends and I thought it sounded interesting.
Try GLP's "Embarcadero." Ginnyweed & Turkish/Izmir; no Latweed. FTRPLT
I do like Peterson Hyde Park a lot, it classifies itself English but it's not in my book. No Lat in it, much VA, bit of oriental and burley. I love it. CD Innsmouth is another, no Lat, lots of VA, Katerini, black cav. Incredible.
Try C&D Star Of The East Gold. It comes in bulk so you can just get an oz or two. Here's the description from TR

"Beginning with stoved bright Virginias, followed by equal measures of Cyprian Latakia and red Virginias for a bit of body, Star of the East Gold then incorporates a fair amount of Turkish leaf, resulting in a sweet, floral English mixture."

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