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Brothers of Briar

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  1. M

    Was That The Big One?

    Thanks PB for remembering about Lady Muleskinner's Mother. She got shook around in her bed this morning in KY but she wasn't hurt. She is 80 years old and lives alone but as far as we know she hasn't found any damage yet. Muleskinner "John"
  2. M

    What are you smoking?

    trout stream in a porsche design thanks Dock muleskinner
  3. M

    What are you smoking?

    macbaren cube in a bonfiglioli freehand muleskinner
  4. M

    What are you smoking?

    Started off the morning with Troutstream in a cob. Right now I am enjoying a bowl of MacBaren Scottish Mixture in a Bonfiglioli stubby. Muleskinner
  5. M

    Why a pipe?

    I grew up around my Grandfather who smoked a pipe. He grew his own tobacco and sprinkled it with honey and molasses water, then toasted it in the oven on the wood cook stove. He also made his own twist chewing tobacco. I always thought it smelled so good. When I was around 7 or 8 years old, I...
  6. M

    bulk of your pipes

    My main pipe rack holds 125 of my Bonfiglioli pipes and in the other racks I have 25 more Bonfiglioli pipes. By the number of his pipes it is easy to guess that is my favorites. I do have other special pipes in my collection which include Tonni Nielsen, Ardor, E. Andrews, Von Erck, Rinaldo just...
  7. M

    Where do we smoke

    My wife and I smoke our pipes anywhere we want to inside the house, vehicles, outside on the ranch. We do have one room which is our Pipe room for our pipe collections and other pipe related collectables. Everything in our pipe room is related to smoking including the wall paper and the fouton...
  8. M

    What are you smoking?

    Mac Baren Scottish Mixture in a Bonfiglioli bent apple. Muleskinner
  9. M

    What are you smoking?

    walnut in a full bent bonfiglioli
  10. M

    Your Absolute Hands Down Favourite Tobacco...

    MacBaren Scottish Mixture Muleskinner
  11. M

    What are you smoking?

    Walnut in a Bonfiglioli bent pot. Muleskinner
  12. M

    So This is Where You All Been Hiding!

    I want to welcome you to the board. I too am a lady pipe smoker who enjoys the hobby along with my husband. We are proud to see you join this BB. Will look forward to your posts. Lady Muleskinner "Cheryl" and Muleskinner "John"
  13. M

    What are you smoking?

    MacBaren Cube in a Bonfiglioli freehand. Muleskinner "John"
  14. M

    What are you smoking?

    Peretti Park Square in a Don Carlos two note. Muleskinner
  15. M

    What are you smoking?

    Peretti Park Square in a Jacona Prince. Muleskinner
  16. M

    What are you smoking?

    mcbaren scottish blend in a bonfiglioli freehand
  17. M


    PB, For sure the next time we head to KY we will get in touch with you. Sure we can find plenty of time to go visit with Tonni. Hopefully, we won't be coming back right away. Still haven't rested up from the last fast trip to KY but the new Tonni Neilsen blowfish pipe is helping me to recover...
  18. M

    What are you smoking?

    Walnut in a Viprati. Muleskinner "John"
  19. M


    We have been friends with Tonni Nielsen for about 10 years. We first met him at the Chicagoland Pipe Show. Lady Muleskinner tried to trade him out of his Australian hat at that show. Of course, since she was from KY they had some fun talking about KY and his hat. They never struck a deal on the...
  20. M

    Not being able to smoke when you feel fine is killing me.

    I was in the hospital about 2 weeks. I can't remember for sure exactly when I smoked the first bowl but I am sure I waited over a month before I tried to smoke the first bowl. I don't know if it was related to the medications, anethesia or that I just felt so bad but that first bowl tasted bad...