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Brothers of Briar

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  1. earl

    author shape question

    I'd recently picked up a Peterson Shamrock in a pipe shop as it was a shape I didn't have & wanted. I'd assumed it was an author. But the ASP pipe chart referred to authors as "beefed up" princes & the only prince I have is an 1/8 bent as was the shape on the chart. This has all the general...
  2. earl

    Castanelli pipes

    OK, now I'm really confused about the aforementioned logo as I just was cruising the piesandcigars site and noted a pipe line, "Thomas Cristiano," whose logo was identical to what I mentioned. :?: Now I'm wondering if Castanelli became Cristiano or is otherwise related to it. Never heard of...
  3. earl

    Castanelli pipes

    I've have an old, lovely 1/8 bent acorn I bought off of a friend years ago and never knew who made it, (only marking on the shank was "Ted's," which I asume perhaps was the name of an old pipe shop). Got curious today & thanks to the pipedia site with its pictures of pipe logos discovered that...
  4. earl

    so that's where you went

    Hello fellow Knoxers (or is that ex-Knoxers?) I'll be listening in to your splendid conversations. Yeah, that Yarn guy over there does put a damper on it doesn't he? :pipe: earl