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Brothers of Briar

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  1. A

    Starbucks patios to go non-smoking

    Tough luck for you guys. Our Starbucks still allow smoking in patios. I guess because in Dubai most of the year is 40 degrees celsius and above, during winter when cooler (around 20-25) all patios and outdoor brasseries will be swarming with smokers including big guys like Tim Hortons, Second...
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    A hot place in concept and weather

    Actually, I feel a bit jealous of you guys. Y'all got a variety of tobacco to try out there. Here in Dubai, we only have the ready packed ones and they're numbered. Captain Black, Colts, Larsens, Riff, Davidoff, Mac Baren Amphora and a few others. And tobacco importation needs a permit that...
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    A hot place in concept and weather

    Dr. T, Actually smoking it is not really bad. Especially for cigarette smokers. I know loads of people who quit the habit by beginning with this then gradually smoking it occasionally, socially, or don;t anymore. However, worth keeping it in a collectors bunch also.
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    A hot place in concept and weather

    Thanks a lot for all of you for the warm welcoming. Trust that I will enjoy my time here. Dubai is a very busy city and one needs a bit of rest and relaxation at the end of day. That is always fulfilled with a draw on a good pipe. And all of that becomes better when it is done with people who...
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    A hot place in concept and weather

    Thanks Hermit. Have you seen the pipe that I am talking about. This thing could price upto as good as a high quality aged briar. Use this word "Midwakh" in wikipedia.
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    A hot place in concept and weather

    Hi Bros, This ashunnar from, a city that has not many pipe smokers, Dubai. Nevertheless, the locals here smoke a different kind of pipe called "Medwakh". Its a narrow pipe with a small bowl good for one or two puffs. The tobacco used gives an unbelievable nic buzz in every drag. No flavor...