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Brothers of Briar

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  1. denholrl

    Not a smoking room, but the closest I have...

    Love it. Very cozy. But, do you have an exhaust fan?
  2. denholrl

    Peterson question

    I've had no problems with plain or bristle cleaners.
  3. denholrl

    OK…a Ron Special…MORTA.

    I've never smoked a morta. How would you describe its smoking characteristics to those of briar? (PS/ autocorrect doesn't like 'morta.')
  4. denholrl

    Beginning Pipe Collection

    You're off to a great start. I especially like the Tinsky bulldog and the Petersons!
  5. denholrl

    New acquisitions

    I just won these on eBay. The two smooth pipes are Connoisseurs. The textured pipe is a Mastro de Paja 'Brugo.'
  6. denholrl

    Pipe Wanted Connoisseurs, please.

    I'm a collector of Ed Burak's Connoisseurs . . . especially the freehands. If you have one you're ready to part with please message me. Thanks. (Also looking for Peterson's Supremes and Straight Grains.)
  7. denholrl

    OK; so I lied

    Nice pipe. Can't really beat the price . . . I good pipe for under $100 is always a good deal!
  8. denholrl


    C'mon guys. If you can afford a half-way decent pipe you can afford to support this great group. There must be 250 pipesters with $20 to spare. Let's help them get that up-grade!
  9. denholrl

    HS Studio

    I've seen a lot of interesting designs and good-looking briar come out of HS Studio which I believe is in China. Does anyone have information on this company? Thanks.
  10. denholrl

    A few random shots of my smoking den. What does yours look like?

    About the regimentals . . . I think you should secure the BOWLS to the wall as well as the stems. The corks can dry out and let the bowls fall off the stems.
  11. denholrl

    Nice Petes

    Here's two of my best Peterson's . . . the smaller pipe is a gold-banded Straight Grain XL339 . . . the larger is a Deluxe 9S. (The grain on the 9S is some of the best Deluxe grain I've seen.)
  12. denholrl

    Help with the age of a Charatan’s Make Pipe

    I just came across your year-old link. Very helpful . . . very Charatanable of you. Thanks.
  13. denholrl

    STG to Acquire Mac Baren.

    At 7 Krona to the dollar, that's a big bite!
  14. denholrl

    New pipe and 3 tobaccos… when to move on to the other 2?

    Why not try each in a different pipe?
  15. denholrl

    Beginning Pipe Collection

    Great start. Enjoy. Soon, you'll have to add a room to house your collection!
  16. denholrl

    Dansk vs Jobey Dansk vs Danske Club

    This classically Danish pipe is stamped "Dansk Distinct." I'd like to know who made it. Jobey Dansks made by K.E.Ottendahl are stamped "Jobey Dansk." Dansk Club pipes are stamped "Dansk Club." The one illustrated below is stamped differently. Can anyone solve the mystery? Doug V, are you...
  17. denholrl

    Accessories Wanted Tobacco Trade

    I have G.L.Pease and McClelland to trade for Fribourg & Treyer Cut Virginia Plug and/or Mac Baren HH Pure Virginia. If interested, please PM me.
  18. denholrl

    Tobacco cellar remodel

    1350 rpm should be max.
  19. denholrl

    Brand New Pix of My Smoking Lounge

    Re: your interest in books. I remember a NY show, maybe 20 years ago, where Clarence Mickels had for sale a first edition of "My Lady Nicotine" signed by J.M.Barrie. He wanted $90 for it. Fool that I was, I thought that was excessive, and passed on. To this day, I regret that decision. I...
  20. denholrl

    Ed Burak's Connoisseur Giants

    I've been collecting Connoisseurs for a long time. Although I do have the large pipes shown in the photo, the great majority of his pipes are more "regular" in size. I have about 25 in that "regular" size.