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Brothers of Briar

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  1. Rob_In_MO

    Analog! Oh Yeah

    They can be duplicated digitally with great accuracy, but there is still a difference in sound. Not psychological, you can see it on an oscilloscope. Kinda like the old Digital vs Analog in music: CD vs Vinyl. There is a quality in analog sounds that digital is missing. With that being...
  2. Rob_In_MO

    Analog! Oh Yeah

    Looks like a small Midi controller. Great for a modular or synth control center without a keyboard. That's a fair price. If I saw it locally, it would come home with me.
  3. Rob_In_MO

    Merry Christmas to me

    That's exactly why I try to stay off ePrey these days. (I said 'try', but I don't often succeed) lol
  4. Rob_In_MO

    What to choose for an Xmas eve?

    I went with a bowl of Boswell's Christmas Cookie last night. Of your choices, CBW probably has the best room note if others will be around.
  5. Rob_In_MO

    Analog! Oh Yeah

    So how is their ARP Odyssey clone? It looks cool and should have tons of possibilities. I've looked at Behringer's Poly D, what I've heard from it sounds good and I like the 4-note paraphonic ability. Honestly though, for the price I might pick up a little Model D in the future. Still lots of...
  6. Rob_In_MO

    I'm back

    Perhaps this is an opportunity for you, a chance to turn him on to other tobaccos and the possibility of better-performing pipes. In his defense, I had an old Grabow Poker years ago that actually smoked really well, and I smoked CBW & CBR for several years.
  7. Rob_In_MO

    What Are You Smoking Pages.

    Boswell's Berry Cobbler in a Nording King.
  8. Rob_In_MO

    most Facebook ads don't bother me....

    I get the occasional 'Erectile Dysfunction' ad on Facebook. :ROFLMAO:
  9. Rob_In_MO

    I'm back

    Yep - there goes the neighborhood. 🤬
  10. Rob_In_MO

    Do You Ever Fall Asleep While Reading Posts?

    I know we're sometimes a boring crowd, but I didn't think we were that bad... 😂
  11. Rob_In_MO

    Analog! Oh Yeah

    The MOOG Subsequent 37. For creating those unique and powerful Analog sounds that digital can never recreate.
  12. Rob_In_MO

    Why Many Car Dealers Have Bad Reputations

    " Now don't mind that noise, it's just the Motor. " :ROFLMAO:
  13. Rob_In_MO


    My collection also flies. (and sometimes crashes) :cool:
  14. Rob_In_MO

    What Do You Do With Tobacco You Will Never Smoke

    While my actions are no where near as charitable as yours, I give pipe tobacco and cigars that I will never smoke to my Brother - Jason. He's not picky and will take (and smoke) nearly anything I donate to him. Nothing wasted, kept in the family, and helped someone who currently has limited means.
  15. Rob_In_MO

    What are you smokin'?

    A Backwoods Dark Stout - one of the newest and, to me, the best of the series.
  16. Rob_In_MO

    Why Is Membership Small and Participation So Light?

    I've seen participation and membership go up and down in the years since I've been a member. Seems like it comes in cycles. It's slow now, but in a couple of months there'll be a wave of new members and daily posts by all will greatly increase.
  17. Rob_In_MO

    What movie are you watching?

    I'm not even a fan of Charlie Sheen, and this is definitely not his normal routine, but he did a great job in this one.
  18. Rob_In_MO

    I'm back

    Dr. T!
  19. Rob_In_MO

    Merry Christmas to me

    Thanks all! It's a wonderful smoker and the situation worked out well for all parties involved.