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Brothers of Briar

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  1. showme1or2

    A real class act

    I met Sykes at a Chicago show. He is a very nice guy and easy to talk to. He got his start here in Nashville. Glad to see some good things posted about them. Congrats on your great service, TJ. showme
  2. showme1or2

    My "Generic/Rip-Off" Moss Scuttle...

    Great ingenuity, Dock. :D showme
  3. showme1or2

    Feedback on specific cigars

    I received some Trinidad TTT's from CP as a thank you for some cookies I sent him. Is anybody familiar with this cigar? What is your opinion of it? showme
  4. showme1or2

    Hello BoB

    Welcome, J Rock. Your pipe world will expand even more with the knowledge you will acquire here. Ejoy the journey. Glad to have you aboard, showme
  5. showme1or2

    A Good Source For DE Razors?..

    "Corking the blade." Hmmm, I'll try it. Is this similar to stropping a straight razor on leather? showme
  6. showme1or2

    Greetings All...

    Welcome, Ian. If your photography interest has merged with your pipe interest I'd love to see some photos of your Ivarsson pipes, in particular. Post often, showme
  7. showme1or2

    Lee Von Erck Commission

    Great pipe, Bob. That spiral stem sure is appealing. Is the bowl a blast? I've never seen anything like it. showme
  8. showme1or2

    A Good Source For DE Razors?..

    Tell us all, MB. I'm for anything that results in a smoother, better shave. showme
  9. showme1or2

    Virtual Workshop visit

    Awesome tour. Thanks for taking the time to do that, Love. I particluarly liked the blasted pipe: well done! showme
  10. showme1or2

    A Good Source For DE Razors?..

    Tony's right. I think any name brand blades you want you'll likely find online. I think my grocery store, Publix, has a generic brand that I use. The generic thing opens another can of worms: are name brand blades sharper, more durable, etc. than generics? I want to say Carlos found a source...
  11. showme1or2

    New guy on the block

    Sadly, this is why I will never be able to have a Ruthenberg pipe. :( The availablity of my money and the availability of his pipes are so far apart that never the twain shall meet! His pipes sell just as fast in person, too! I sat with Brian at a Chicago show OUT IN THE HALLWAY and watched...
  12. showme1or2

    New guy on the block

    Welcome, Brian. Good to see you again. I look forward to viewing your sold pipes. (Seems like every pipe you post is already sold by the time I see it, lol!) How do you sleep at night knowing everything you make is essentially sold before it is finished? Pretty good, I hope. Love your work...
  13. showme1or2

    Thanks Ken.

    Great tip! Thanks, Carlos showme
  14. showme1or2

    New Pipe

    Some guys have all the luck. Enjoy the pipe! showme
  15. showme1or2

    Decided to start carving - 1st 4 pipes

    Hmph. Hollywood, you make the bowl whatever size you want. There are always folks who appreciate smaller group sizes. I, for instance, don't always have an hour to spend smoking a pipe and don't really like filling a larger bowl halfway. There is also a contingent of smokers that think 7/8 is...
  16. showme1or2


    I've heard this recipe called "hodge-podge." In my experience it meets with success now and then, but, as you mention, is limited. This is not always a bad thing, hehehee. Think of it as a fine, rare wine when that happens and enjoy it while you have it. showme
  17. showme1or2

    Matchbox covers

    Yep, Carlos, a box slides right in and the open side is for striking. Like Jason pointed out, construction is so simple. I suppose it could be easily bent if sat on (which I would most likely do), but I think it is pretty neat. Anybody think they could make one? CP, no eagles, but the first...
  18. showme1or2

    Greetings From The UK

    Welcome, Peter. showme
  19. showme1or2

    Not being able to smoke when you feel fine is killing me.

    Yes, hang in there, Mike. This just gives you more time to consider what the most satisfying first bowl could be. I'm's coming to me...something.....with...Latakia in it! showme
  20. showme1or2

    Matchbox covers

    Very cool, m2. I'd love to see them. If anyone knows of a current source for such things, please let me know. Here are a couple pics of my Christmas holder. It is made by Gage Industries, Inc. showme