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Brothers of Briar

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  1. showme1or2

    author shape question

    Earl, I don't know much about Petersons, but is there a model/shape number on the pipe? We might be able to find a pic of it somewhere on the 'net for comparison. showme
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    :lol!: Too funny! :lol!: Make sure your tobacco cellar is battened down, or move it to high ground, and don't use your Dunhills for bailing! showme
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    Old Gillette My Dad Found For Me

    I didn't know that, MB; thanks for pointing it out. I actually have a D4, I think, with a red handle. I never considered the significance of the color. Does exposer mean how much skin it takes off and how much meat is exposed? :pale: MG, do you have any of the long-handled Gillette's? Eggman...
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    NE Georgia represented again.

    Glad you found the place, Jim. I look forward to your posts. Does that dog in your avatar hunt? showme
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    Old Gillette My Dad Found For Me

    Way to go, Dock. Props to your pop, too. You would know if it was adjustable because it would have a dial near the blade end with numbers on it; usually 1-9, I think. See if this site can help you with the exact dating: showme
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    Matchbox covers

    The one I found today is already in the attic. I've got to go back up there tomorrow to put up a left out box of lights. I'll grab it then and post a pic. Here is a link to a nice history of regular match boxes, but not the covers I'm talking about:
  7. showme1or2

    Matchbox covers

    I know many pipe smokers have a variety and even a collection of lighters. Style and function can be combined to perhaps show the personality of the owner. But what about folks who only use matches? I thought the variety here began and ended with paper or wood, and brand on the box. Today...
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    Hello from an Arkansawyer

    Hey Kayak, welcome. showme
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    Just saying hello

    Hey, Charlie, welcome! I'm from St. Louis, too, and would love to learn more about Jost pipes. Shoot me a PM if you'd like to chat. showme
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    Happy New Years to everyone

    Indeed. Happy New Year to all, best wishes, and good health in the upcoming year. showme
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    What do you plan on smoking for the 2008 Communal Smoke?

    That is a great Brissett, Mark. showme
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    Hello from Erie, PA

    Hey Bob, welcome. It sounds like you gone much further in your four years of pipesmoking that I have! I'll be paying close attention to your posts so I can catch up. Glad to have you here, showme
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    Hello from the UK

    Welcome, friend. Post often. showme
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    Romeo Y Julieta

    Mine doesn't look like either one of those, Lucky. I better just smoke it tomorrow and put it out of its misery. But I do like that site. Thanks! showme
  15. showme1or2

    What do you plan on smoking for the 2008 Communal Smoke?

    I'm planning on smoking my Dunhill Shell with some Squadron Leader from TJ's cellar. Then I may smoke a bowl each from my daughters pipes. That will be three bowls in a row. Hmm, what a way to start the year. showme
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    New Year's Traditions

    Someone told me just the other day about the black-eyed peas and good luck here in TN. I asked how many needed to be eaten, but a sure answer wasn't given. showme
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    North American Aesthetic

    Thank you for your answer. I find this-- --to be particularly good news. showme
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    Smoking Fez...

    Awesome jacket! What about slippers? And Playmates? 8) Do you "dress" for your pipe club meetings? Now that would be something: full-dress meetings.
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    Smoking Fez...

    Great cap, Dock. What about a picture of you wearing it? (And your girlfriend to. She deserves to be acknowledged.) :mrgreen: Any chance you'll get a matching jacket, or would that be pushing your luck? showme
  20. showme1or2

    Ok, you asked for it!........John Middleton's WALNUT

    We all know nothing grows under walnut due to the poison it emits. It's a fact; I read it here. Mark, it really could be dangerous to your health. I will say this though, as much crap as Mark gets for his love of Walnut, I sure wish I had something I liked that damn much. Early on I had a go-to...