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Brothers of Briar

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  1. riff raff


    I had this one on Ebay for a while with no takers, which surprised me.  It's tapered stem cousin, the 284 is a highly coveted shape and even the 2nds line versions bring big bucks.  I've only seen two of this 286 model and till I found this one, I didn't know it existed (it is not in any Comoy's...
  2. riff raff


    And sold
  3. riff raff


    $64 Delivered to the CONUS (net to me) Shipped via USPS 1st Class Pipe has been cleaned and by my standard, ready to smoke. Bowl interior and stem are in very good condition. Briar has a great patina Nomenclature is very worn, but the 3 PC C stem logo identifies it as a pre-Cadogan pipe...
  4. riff raff

    Two Comoys Restorations

    A couple of pickup's and restorations, full details at the Reborn Pipes blog site link. Comoy's Liverpool Comoys Golden Grain Bulldog
  5. riff raff

    Abe Herbaugh PAD

    That is a beauty! Abe used to live nearby in WV and was an active participant in the VA club. I should have bought one of his pipes when they were in my budget. His stem work has been top-notch from the get-go.
  6. riff raff

    What movie are you watching?

    We watched "Hostiles" last weekend, no doubt the best movie I've seen so far this year (and perhaps in 2017 as well).
  7. riff raff

    Kindle Readers

    Amazon just released a new Paperwhite Updates include: - waterproof (not sure I need that) - additional backlighting (it is already incredible to read in the dark) - additional storage (for Audio books...
  8. riff raff

    Flu shots

    My oldest just turned 34 last week. The last time I had the flu, my wife was expecting her. We were both knocked down for two miserable weeks (well, she has a rougher time than I did...). I've gotten the shot every year since. I panicked in these years when it was in short supply.
  9. riff raff

    The Expanse. Is it the best?

    I'm a huge fan of the show, but have never read the books! It's actually three seasons on the SyFy, well, that's how I watched them to this point. I didn't know it has been cancelled. I have a 7.1 surround system but rarely turn it on (mostly lazy). But with that show, I always use the...
  10. riff raff


    127S Lovat is sold.
  11. riff raff


    9438 Tobacco Barrel has been sold.
  12. riff raff

    Sasieni Mayfair 688 (Ashford)

    Powdered clothes detergent, it works well (just use a pinch). Sorry about the pix, I usually copy directly out of the Reborn site, but for those, I chose "open image" first, so it was expanded. Back to normal now...
  13. riff raff

    Sasieni Mayfair 688 (Ashford)

    The Oxy-Clean does most of the work, once soft, it comes off pretty easily.
  14. riff raff

    Sasieni Mayfair 688 (Ashford)

    Another Sasieni 2nd line Ashford shape, I can't resist them.  This one a 688SN.  The tenon is threaded for a stinger, so I suspect it is from early in the Family Era? Full details here.  The bowl was in terrific shape and stem nearly mint - it had one tiny hairline crack on top of the button...
  15. riff raff

    1950 GBD 9242

    I was holding my breath as I completed the transaction with this seller. Once I knew it was indeed a hallmarked 9242, I knew it had a pretty strong value. It was setup as an auction, with one day left, but low bids ($20-couple dollars). I offered a BIN price, he bumped it $25 I agreed. He...
  16. riff raff

    1950 GBD 9242

    I forgot to share this recent find and restoration, a hallmarked 1950 GBD 9242. I lucked into this GBD, which was advertised with one picture, and listed as "Vintage Smoking Pipe". The picture didn't show any logos or the hallmark,but I had a hunch it was a GBD 9242. The seller sent me some...
  17. riff raff


    All sold 9/15/18 Paypal only, prices are net to me. Prices include shipping via USPS 1st Class, additional shipping options available at the buyers discretion All pipes have been cleaned, and by my standard ready to smoke. GBD 9456 New Standard $55 Brass rondell, "London, England"...
  18. riff raff Closed

    I'm a moderator there, and wasn't aware of any issues. All are welcome, registered or lurkers. Lurk on!
  19. riff raff

    FS: Comoy's Mini-Oom Paul SOLD

    And sold
  20. riff raff

    FS: Comoy's Mini-Oom Paul SOLD

    It does have a deep bowel, but an easy clencher