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Brothers of Briar

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  1. riff raff

    FS: Comoy's Mini-Oom Paul SOLD

    Paypal only, net please. Shipped via USPS 1st class, additional shipping options at the buyers discretion Pipe has been cleaned, and by my standards, ready to smoke Comoy's Shape 17 - Mini-Oom Paul ("Kruger S" on their shape chart $59 delivered 3 piece C and COM from pre-Cadogan era Guildhall...
  2. riff raff

    Marty Stuart and the Fabulous Superlatives

    I'm a big Marty Stuart fan. I'd love to see him with the Superlatives. He used to have an XM radio show, highlighting various cities around the US, it was great and he has a very good sense of humor.
  3. riff raff

    Abe Herbaugh Commissioned

    Abe is an artist! He used to live in this area, and would drop by our local club meetings (in VA). I should have bought one of his pieces then! He's a nice guy to boot.
  4. riff raff


    Thanks Brew, an interesting lot. The Irwins 9438 is reserved.
  5. riff raff


  6. riff raff

    Penthouse (GBD) 9438 Restoration

    I can't resist a 9438, and this is the first time I've seen this shape on a Penthouse pipe. Full details are on the Reborn Pipes blog: Before Finished
  7. riff raff

    Hi There from MD

    Welcome from Hagerstown MD!
  8. riff raff


    Floppypipe in Italy is one of the premier Euro dealers for Castello. They get some pieces not typically found via US retailers (and seemingly, the pick of the Castello crop). If you like smaller Castellos, they can be hard to find but this place has them. I had an excellent experience with...
  9. riff raff

    The passing of a hero.

    It's been a long time since I've read his books/columns, but as a young boy, he kept me very well entertained. He was a class act, RIP.
  10. riff raff

    We had a TSUNAMI!!!!

    Lake Michigan is about 10 miles North of one of my accounts in NY. Every once in a while, I'll drive up just to see the lake. Even on a nice day, it's seems ominous to me. Last summer, a giant storm below up and it looked frightening. That town had a small concrete pier like pictured above...
  11. riff raff

    Couple of GBD 9438 eBay estates restored

    Nice, the Rock Root 9438 isn't often seen.
  12. riff raff

    My favourite bespoke Pipes

    I like those shapes a lot!
  13. riff raff

    Hmmph. A Miscalculation

    That seems a bit pricey for a 2nd line. I wasn't paying attention to this one (a buddy stopped by the garage with his new Jaguar F-type R and took me for a spin!). This ended while we were out. No COM is out, but the shape says pre-Republic, sold for $42. Kicking myself...
  14. riff raff

    The rumor must be correct !

    I know two guys in the business and both say you'll never get a straight story out of Mike, and no one but him knows what he is doing to do. (He's apparently been "going to close the business" for many years). One day, he may just follow thru, we'll be the 2nd to know.
  15. riff raff

    Gone the way of the Dodo?

    Yes, and oddly 8 Tracks and Cassettes are having a revival as well. There's not much worse audio quality than either of those two!
  16. riff raff

    Gone the way of the Dodo?

    I had heard that on a XM music talk show on Monday. I say that I love the CD format, but looking back, I only bought two CDs in 2017 (one was a Christmas gift, Rush' Farewell to Kings reissue).... The ones that I have, I convert to digital and never play the CD again. CD's are the best...
  17. riff raff

    Sassiness mouthpiece

    Yep, Sasieni added the S by the shape number to denote the saddle stem, on most (all?) of their pipes. The Natural was their highest grade, and that one shows it! Good pick up. I've owned a couple of Barlings, and have older Comoy's and Dunhiill's, but my favorite stems are on my Four Dots...
  18. riff raff

    A DVD not to be missed!

    Hey, that's cool, an uncommon movie. If you really like it, I can put a copy in my drop-box so you can upload it, PM me if that is helpful.
  19. riff raff

    A DVD not to be missed!

    Yep, he was epic and prolific. I have his autobiography as well, waiting to read that. I love that era of music.
  20. riff raff

    an awsome amazing morning

    It was 16 degrees here in Maryland yesterday, which isn't surprising. What was surprising is that my daughter called me from New Orleans - it was 16 degrees there and their water pipes were frozen! I asked her to send me picture of her water service line. It was a copper pipe, coming out...