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Brothers of Briar

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  1. Preacher

    Not been smoking for a while, but look what I scored today!

    It is the largest pipe I have ever purchased and the first freehand. I left the pics original size to really show the grain (I think the grains is fabulous). I'm a grain guy and nice grain will get my attention every single time.
  2. Preacher

    Not been smoking for a while, but look what I scored today!

    Today I was at my local smoking hole enjoying a stick and looking at the latest batch of estate pipes and came across one that kept catching my eye, so I had to have it.  It is an Ardor Giove Freehand from 2009 I don't know much about this pipe (except that I like it).  Can anyone give...
  3. Preacher

    Happy 50th Anniversary

    Happy 50th to a man who makes unbelievable pipes I actually got to see one of the 50 pipes that he made for this occassion (they are a small apple). They are exquisite and words can't describe their beauty. My local shop had one in stock and I got...
  4. Preacher

    Who struts better?

    Cab Calloway all the way!!! Minnie the Moocher!
  5. Preacher

    Top 5 tobaccos

    +1 on having the palate of a goat!!!
  6. Preacher

    Apple vs.

    Your points are right on point. I have used the same Windows laptop for 5 years and still use it every day, It's getting harder to find folks who repsect others choices. I see this on almost every forum I'm a member of. I'm into photography so it is always Nikon vs Canon. I have always...
  7. Preacher

    Greetings From Illinois

    Welcome to the board. I'm also in Illnois. Where in the state are you located?
  8. Preacher

    Apple vs.

    Who cares??? This has been discussed so much that I don't think that anything new can be added. This is America where we have a choice. Buy what you want, what you can afford and/or what works for you. For those of you for whom Apple is a better choice, GREAT!!! For those of us who do what...
  9. Preacher

    Apple vs.

    Can you explain this statement?
  10. Preacher

    Breaking in a pipe.

    This was the advice given to me by my local shop when I first started smoking pipes. I have always followed it and have had no problems.
  11. Preacher

    Car Repairs

    Yeah. I had an Expedition with those darned COP (coil over packs). The last 2 on each side can barely be seen and have to changed blind (what a pain). A friend of mine has a 2004 BMW with a problem in the computer in the transmission. He was told by the dealer that they don't do internal...
  12. Preacher

    Car Repairs

    BMW 740il, so far so good. I know how to do some things myself, and I found a good mechanic locally who is good with BMW's and doesn't rape me like the dealer does.
  13. Preacher

    What have you bought lately ?

    Is this only pipe related?
  14. Preacher

    How To Win A Barfight

    I had a few fights in my youth (no bar fights). I'm no bully, but neither am I pumk. I'm lucky in that most folks like me and I can diffuse most situations. I have always gone out of my way to avoid such situaions.
  15. Preacher

    Favorite TV tough guy

    I don't know how many of you watch Boardwalk Empire on HBO, but this is the guy who plays Chalkie White. He is one of the minor gangsters in Atlantic City. He is also one bad dude in that series.
  16. Preacher

    Favorite TV tough guy

    Hard to pick just one: Stacy Keach as Mike Hammer Chuck Connor as the RIfleman John Russell as Marshal Dan Troop Richard Boone as Paladin Don Johnson as Nash Bridges Just to name a few
  17. Preacher

    Geez, today was a rough day.

    Let the church say "AMEN"
  18. Preacher

    Jobs vs Gates

    I wouldn't read either. I'm not a fan of Apple. I don't think that Apple invented any of the things that they are credited for. I think that the one true gift of Jobs was that he was one heckuva marketter. I use PC's, but I'm not kissing Gate's butt either. All of these are companies that...
  19. Preacher


    Yeah. I just turned 53 and have never ridden a bike in my life, but I have been thinking about taking a motorcycle safety course and buying a bike. I really like cruisers as opposed to sport bikes. I'll probably take the course in the spring and go out and find me a good second hand bike to ride.
  20. Preacher

    What type of razor do you use?

    I use a Merkur 34c, Taylor of Old Bond Street (sandalwood), and a badger hair brush. Returning to this way of shaving is the best thing I have done in years. I'm getting great results, and I'm still working to perfect my technique. I'm clean shaven (military style).