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Brothers of Briar

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  1. Zanaspus

    What Are You Smoking Pages.

    PA in a cob
  2. Zanaspus

    What Are You Smoking Pages.

    Walnut match in a cob
  3. Zanaspus

    Two new (to me) GH blends. WooHoooo!

    I rather like Black & Brown. It sort of straddles the gap between traditional aros and savory smokes.
  4. Zanaspus

    What are you smokin'?

    Sadly, they become more hit and miss with each passing year. :cry:
  5. Zanaspus

    Old Dog

    I have a single remaining tin. Sadly there is not substitute that I've found. :cry:
  6. Zanaspus

    What Are You Smoking Pages.

    Kendal Kentucky in a Radice bent billiard
  7. Zanaspus

    What Are You Smoking Pages.

    LLRR in a cob
  8. Zanaspus

    Drugstore suggestions?

    Carter Hall and PA are hard to beat.
  9. Zanaspus

    What Are You Smoking Pages.

    2010 Christmas Cheer in a Moonshine poker
  10. Zanaspus

    What Are You Smoking Pages.

    FVF in a Stanwell billiard
  11. Zanaspus

    What Are You Smoking Pages.

    Kendal Kentucky in a Radice bent billiard
  12. Zanaspus

    just a test.

    That test......wait for it.......bombed.
  13. Zanaspus

    How do you smoke your pipe cool?

    My favorite quote on tobaccoreviews is "huge clouds of white smoke." If you're getting more than light wisps in the air that dissipate quickly, you're smoking too fast. Relights are not a sign of failure, they are your friend.
  14. Zanaspus

    My first Peterson

    How are you liking it?
  15. Zanaspus

    What Are You Smoking Pages.

    Bayou Morning in a Stanwell Canadian
  16. Zanaspus

    What Are You Smoking Pages.

    PS Toasted Burley in a cob
  17. Zanaspus

    Summer splurge

    Nice haul!
  18. Zanaspus

    Never woulda thunk it...

    I love most all of them. The only ones that don't do it for me are Half & Half and Granger.