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Brothers of Briar

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  1. R

    What are you smoking?

    More of this Mac Baren Navy Flake, this time in the Celtic Morta Dublin by Todd Harris.
  2. R

    The rumors of my demise...

    When life gives us lemons, we make lemonade. I don't know you, George, but wish you all the best. Thanks for sharing and welcome back.
  3. R

    Did tinned tobacco prices just jump?

    IMO, Latakia and strong/high nicotine are an oxymoron. Latakia is not high in nic. Try Ten Russians -- that should work for you  ;) 
  4. R

    A Gift From a Friend

    The tin with the biplane is Samuel Gawith Squadron Leader -- "Bright and Dark Virginias blended together with Latakia and Turkish leaf to make this a cool medium bodied smoke."
  5. R

    BeeKeepers Gold

    As Cart notes, the beeswax won't retain a super shine, if that's what you're looking for. But otherwise, I think this will work well. I use mineral oil on my pipe for certain applications (versus olive oil) and have been pleased with the results. FWIW, Lamson makes fine products-- I have a...
  6. R

    Did tinned tobacco prices just jump?

    Like many posted here, I too shop around.  I may pay a bit more if I really want something, e.g., for proprietary blends, or for something that's available at one vendor but hard to find elsewhere. One factor important to consider is getting free shipping where available, so I amass items to...
  7. R

    1 Dozen Savinelli's at last

    I've several Savinelli's -- a Bing's Favorite, an old twin-bore Punto Oro billiard/lovat, an as yet unsmoked NOS Savinelli Straight Grain "O" 815 KS and a Giubileo d'Oro 320 KS. I love 'em all. Congratulations on your Savs --enjoy  ;) 
  8. R

    A Gift From a Friend

    Hilson made some nice pipes -- quite the gift -- enjoy and thanks for posting!
  9. R

    a long day

    Sorry to hear that, Tom. I broke my ankle playing tennis a couple years ago -- took 2-3 months to heal up -- more of an annoyance than anything else. Best wishes for a quick and full recovery.
  10. R


    I own two Charatan Make pipes = a large After Hours Exectutive with a plateau rim and a large Charatan Make Astley 8-panel half-bent dublin.  Both are terrific smokers. Thanks for posting, Chief!
  11. R

    Hello from South Texas

    Howdy Bobby! Welcome aboard  ;) 
  12. R

    Dunhill My Mixture 221b Baker St.

    If you really love this blend --save a bowlful or two -- I'd wager Steve Books @ House of Calabash can blend this one for you.  Sure, it's pricey, but less, by weight, than you paid for that tin -- and once you pay for the set up charge and place an order, you can reorder more as often as you want.
  13. R

    What are you smoking?

    Mac Baren Navy Flake this morning, in a 1990 Ashton sandblasted PCI cumberland canadian.
  14. R

    What are you smoking?

    Peter Stokkebye Nougat, in an Estella 1/8 bent billiard.
  15. R

    Dunhill My Mixture 221b Baker St.

    I remember trying a bowl of Dunhill My Mixture 221b Baker St. 10-12 years ago. IIRC, it was similar to, but not the same as, Royal Yacht. Nice find. Enjoy -- and thanks for posting!
  16. R

    What are you smoking?

    Sutliff CD Blend, in a Lorenzo Eleganza stack billiard.
  17. R

    Orderd a a tin of SG Best Brown

    Sam's BBF is damn good stuff. It's quite moist (a trait of many Samuel Gawith virginia blends) -- I agree with others here who advise proper preparation for best results. Sam's Medium Flake -- sold in 50g tins as "Golden Glow" -- is also quite good. I cellar both. I'm not a fan of FVF -- I'm...
  18. R

    What are you smoking?

    Fribourg & Treyer Cut Virginia Plug w/ a couple pinches of Turkish Izmir, in a Charatan Make Executive After Hours poker.
  19. R

    Newish Member from Colorado

    Howdy, Oznog -- welcome aboard  :) 
  20. R

    What are you smoking?

    G.L. Pease Jack Knife Plug, in a Pipa Croci 1/8th bent dublin.