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Brothers of Briar

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  1. huffelpuff

    Happy birthday Alandadp!

    Happy belated birthday! Hope your day was kind! Jim
  2. huffelpuff

    Happy Birthday eggman!

    Happy birthday Eggman! Hope it's a great day for you. Jim
  3. huffelpuff

    Rats! Mold!

    Geoff, my rule of thumb is this, do not mess with the tins unless you notice say a 6 month old tin looking like it's fixing to have puppies. Unusual swelling of fresh tins is the tell tale sign something is very wrong. On a 10, 20, or 30 year old tin swelling is normal. Sometimes so severe that...
  4. huffelpuff

    Dan's Salty Dogs at TobaccoPipes

    LMAO that is choice!!!
  5. huffelpuff

    Got my pipe apart - now another problem - UPDATE

    I've used a thin layer of super glue, clear nail polish (definitely let it cure longer than you think), and the really old school heat the tenon up using a flame and lightly press it into the side of a table or something. That last one is a last resort and the management makes no warranty as to...
  6. huffelpuff

    Dan's Salty Dogs at TobaccoPipes

    Great pics! Glad you are enjoying it. Hopefully it'll be in stock when I make my next order. It sounds amazing. Jim
  7. huffelpuff

    MM Mark Twain cob with plateau?

    Conrad, that turned out quite nicely. I like it a lot actually. Jim
  8. huffelpuff

    Matters of the Heart

    Glad to hear things went well. It's an added bonus that your energy levels have improved. Will continue to send good thoughts and prayers for your continued recovery. Jim
  9. huffelpuff

    Gum Disease and Pipe Smoking Dilemma

    Beagle, to put it bluntly your dentist is full of bovine fecal matter. No two ways about that. Smoking does not cause bone loss period. I seriously doubt that you smoke anywhere near as much a cigarette smoker does. My intake has varied quite a bit over the years. Currently I smoke 10-15 bowls a...
  10. huffelpuff

    Smoker13 It's your Birthday!

    Happy belated birthday brother! Hope you had a great birthday! Jim
  11. huffelpuff

    Happy birthday Puffy!

    Happy belated birthday Puff-man! Hope your day was special! Jim
  12. huffelpuff

    Happy birthday Briarbabe!

    I'm finally here with belated birthday wishes for you Tracie! Hope you're doing well and that you had an amazing birthday! Jim
  13. huffelpuff

    Indoors/ Outdoors

    I smoke my pipe, cigars and RYO pipe tobaccos outside exclusively. However I can and do smoke my hookah inside and outside. As a father of a child with serious health problems I choose not to expose her unnecessarily to smoke. I managed to get her to 21 and I won't be responsible for any issues...
  14. huffelpuff

    Happy birthday, Carlos!

    Happy belated birthday Carlos! Glad it was a good one for you. Better luck next time with the radio. Spiffing great hobby for those with the patience lol. Jim
  15. huffelpuff

    Happy birthday, huffelpuff!

    Thank you Tim! Hey by the way how'd that meer repair go for you? Jim
  16. huffelpuff

    Hello from Reno

    Welcome aboard Slim! Hope you enjoy your time here lots of great guys with big hearts here that are always willing to share their knowledge. Jim
  17. huffelpuff

    Hello from SoCal

    Welcome back to the pipe! The loss of McC and general unavailability of Esoterica blends forced me to expand my horizons. Before I was very limited in what and how I'd use tobacco now I'll smoke cigars, hookah, pipe blends in cig tubes, and even do nasal snuff. While the loss is huge it opened...
  18. huffelpuff

    What Are You Smoking Pages.

    Strawberry shisa in a homemade hookah. Jim
  19. huffelpuff

    What is your quintessential summer blend?

    For the longest time for me it was SWR. However the past few years I find myself smoking latikia blends in the summer in an attempt to keep the mosquitoes at Bay. Also smoke a fair number of Vaper blends during the summer. Jim
  20. huffelpuff

    Happy birthday, huffelpuff!

    Thank you Charles greatly appreciated my friend. Jim