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Brothers of Briar

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  1. SmokeyTweed

    Ogres and things

    Oh i know, it just seemed like the witty banter was fairly polished to myself. so who's on first?
  2. SmokeyTweed

    Ogres and things

    This thread has so much schtick i thought Statler and Waldorf were going to weigh in with their opinion! :lol:
  3. SmokeyTweed


    I was just saying it looked huge compared to todays "Everythig should fit in your pocket" technology...and the wood panelling.
  4. SmokeyTweed

    Alberta Folk Singer Corb Lund

    Sorry guys, I forgot after all that to post the link to his video on youtube: Enjoy! :D
  5. SmokeyTweed

    Alberta Folk Singer Corb Lund

    I don't know how much down south you guys hear about this guy but if you like a great country based folk singer then this here is your man. Writes 100% of his songs and is not ashamed to sing about where he is from instead of selling-out to nashville and singing about margaritas and tractors...
  6. SmokeyTweed


    Is that a picture of Big Blue?! look at the size of that thing. :lol:
  7. SmokeyTweed

    Irish Whisky vs American or Canadian

    For my money on canadian whiskey it has to be Tangle Ridge, don't know about the availability down south or across the pond but it sure is smooth for a rye blend and great vanilla notes.
  8. SmokeyTweed

    You know winter is coming when...

    I know winter is coming when the hockey talk on sportscentre takes up half the show and not a single pre-season game has been played. 8)
  9. SmokeyTweed

    Happy Birthday ftrplt!!!!

    Happy birthday eh!
  10. SmokeyTweed

    What's your poison when smoking?

    call me wet-behind the ears but i like a good root beer believe it or not!
  11. SmokeyTweed

    Do you take the flu shot?

    I never take them simply for my belief that the influenza virus mutates so rapidly that the flu shot you take will be for a different strain you'll encounter in 6 months.
  12. SmokeyTweed


    so wait, wasn't somebody supposed to win this thing?
  13. SmokeyTweed

    meanest looks in Hollywood

    How about a dirty look from a man with no name?
  14. SmokeyTweed

    Hard to believe that this is the same guy

    Not once and i'm proud of that! Unless you guys think my avatar is George Clooney 8)
  15. SmokeyTweed

    If you were given $300...

    Lets see considering a that pipes are similar in cost up here but our tobacco is many times more than the US i'd have to say tobacco! I might be able to get 2 pounds of tobacco with that money, but i doubt it.
  16. SmokeyTweed


    Good thing this thread is online or else it would waste a lot of Post-It notes.
  17. SmokeyTweed

    Slang Words

    What Al was saying is true, us Canucks (or at least those who run in my circle), we refer to all americans as Yankees or at least Yanks with or without "those damn" as a prefix. 8) thats aboot all I can tell you without my healthcare being revoked for given up socialist state secrets. :lol:
  18. SmokeyTweed


    I had a poster with that saying on it! 8)
  19. SmokeyTweed


    The postman rings twice!
  20. SmokeyTweed


    i'll take my chances.