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Brothers of Briar

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  1. eon

    It's Madness I Tell You: A Little Contest

    Might as well chip in... 327$
  2. eon

    How do I ream a stem?

    There's an article written on similar subject by Greg Pease. You can find it here: Silly Millimeter While not a step by step instruction it comes pretty close. Plus, like all of Greg's articles, it is an entertaining read whether actually useful or not.
  3. eon

    Dedicated Pipes

    I normally dedicate pipes to genres. However, as I have lately found that certain bowl shapes burn certain weeds better than others and that, moreover, the match cannot be attributed to any predictable logic I tend to try out new blends in most of my pipes. The only line I am reluctant to cross...
  4. eon

    Hi i'm Travis.

    Welcome aboard Travis! I believe many here share your passion. I'm certainly amongst them. Looking forward to discussion and enjoy your time here!
  5. eon

    new moretti

    Nice chubby! Marco must be one of the most understated pipemakers on the scene although he seems to be getting some well deserved attention as of late. I've owned one of his briars and it was as fine a workmanship as any. The only reason I let it find a better smoker was that it was slightly...
  6. eon

    What are you smoking?

    Lit up a Savinelli with Legends. Getting more satisfied with every puff!
  7. eon

    Any Dunhill estate experts around?

    Aye, shipping it across the Atlantic might be a bit expensive, though not overly so. The main reason I haven't taken in to a repairship is that I would really like to do the job myself. I love working on my pipes and have thus far been able to carry out all jobs myself. As for the rust...
  8. eon

    Any Dunhill estate experts around?

    Today I acquired a small 1947 Dunhill Root apple with cumberland stem. It is a truly magnificent little pipe. I mostly collect Italians - Castellos and Cavicchis of more recent variety but have yet to see such well defined grain on any pipe (and this really goes to show something)! Though...
  9. eon

    What are you smoking?

    Caravan in Castello
  10. eon


    That's just one of the reasons I long for a proper brick and mortar tobacconist around here. Anyway, congratulations on your new pipes! Do let us know how they smoke, when they smoke...
  11. eon

    Top 5 tobaccos

    Current lineup: 1. Rattray's Red Rapparee 2. McClelland's Three Oaks Syrian (a very close second) 3. Esoterica's Margate (eyeing the top position from behind few oaks) 4. McClelland's Frog Morton on the Bayou 5. Rattray's Marlin Flake
  12. eon

    Cleaning the Rim

    Same as everyone! Would like to add though that I keep myself from cleaning the rims too often. The gunk actually protects the briar from the open flame so having it rubbed down all the time might not be the best idea. Should I ever need to show off one of my pipes I can wipe a bit longer. In...
  13. eon

    Greetings from GA-

    Welcome aboard mate!
  14. eon

    Nording Carve Your Own

    you might carve with your feet for extra safety ;)
  15. eon

    Nording Carve Your Own

    sounds like a plan! a small entrance fee that would contribute towards a prize for the winner, determined by a simple poll. that would be great! might even turn into a tradition on this board. but then, I would not be able to participate until I get home for the summer which is still months...
  16. eon

    Resting your pipes

    Thanks, I was not really aware that heat would speed up oxidation though it makes a lot of sense. I do run a cleaner or two before setting pipes aside. I have only a few vulcanite stems anyhow but will be sure to take extra care in wiping the exterior of these beforehand. Haven't used Briar Pipe...
  17. eon

    Salt for meers?

    Hold your horses! Not being an expert on meers I have heard that meerschaum and alcohol lead to disaster. Sorry for not being able to give a more solid advice but at least it might save the pipe from some unknown horrors. The shape looks swell by the way! You socialize in good circles ;)
  18. eon

    Resting your pipes

    There is something about resting the weary bowls between the smokes that I have been thinking of for a while now and I thought I might ask the opinions of sharper, more experienced minds. Apologies if this is something fairly obvious to most of you. We all know that, after a bowlful, pipes need...
  19. eon

    Should this be taking so long??

    Takes me two hours on avarage as well. I've only recently discovered how much more flavours you can get with what would have seemed ridiculously slow pace to me before. Many people seem to be aware that virginias need to be contemplated lest they lose their flavour. I would say the same goes...
  20. eon

    What are you smoking?

    Three Oaks in Arcorti canadian.