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Brothers of Briar

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  1. Scallywag

    I Went Maskless

    Where did I mention this above? I dont see where I said a cold was as bad as Covid. By "normal circumstances" I meant walking through a supermarket or the like; somewhere out in public with a normal interaction with others. Again, we are talking coughing or sneezing aside, and with most normal...
  2. Scallywag

    I Went Maskless

    Haha, well yes Im not misinformed, that I know. But thats true of literally ANY virus or cold. So yes others could be infected if someone didnt cover up when they sneezed, of course. In normal circumstances it takes a minimum of 10 minutes of close breathing in an enclosed space on...
  3. Scallywag

    TAD strikes again!!!

    I bought 16oz of Newminster 400 from Pipes and Cigars during their sale (how convenient I had an additional birthday coupon to use with their sale) to have a little more aging. Such a great blend
  4. Scallywag

    I Went Maskless

    Once I learned that my mask doesn't protect others, I stopped wearing one unless It was required. We now know that masks protect the wearer, and only N95 style and the like are the only type that protect against Covid-19. Cloth masks and loosely worn masks dont do anything protect a person...
  5. Scallywag

    March 12th…bye bye mask mandate in Oregon.

    No worries! I dont take offense to anything on internet forums. The NCBI article speaks about it, but your right thats just one article. This is also straight from my pediatrician, whom has been practicing for a long time and stays up to date on current events. But I also wont take the time...
  6. Scallywag

    March 12th…bye bye mask mandate in Oregon.

    I encourage everyone to do their own research but from a quick goog search the first one that comes up is from NPR that mentions " Masks can interfere with young children's brain development Numerous...
  7. Scallywag

    March 12th…bye bye mask mandate in Oregon.

    Well, we now know masks protect the wearer, not the other way around. Kids wearing masks doesnt protect adults, the adults masks (which should be an N95 or the like) protect the adult. Im more speaking about kids wearing masks for long periods in schools and such. Firm Data has come out showing...
  8. Scallywag

    March 12th…bye bye mask mandate in Oregon.

    Ours did too last week or so, though I stopped wearing one a couple months ago. Even better our awful governor finally caved and is making masks optional for kids in schools which is just fantastic news. That was one of the worst things in my opinion, was children being forced to mask up to...
  9. Scallywag

    The Me Too Movement

    Sounds like it went well, and she has a sense of humor which i think is very important...
  10. Scallywag

    What am I doing wrong? A pipe-packing lament.

    Two hard and fast rules - Pack it lighter than you think you need and DRY your tobacco dryer than you think you need. When pinched tobacco should have some "flex" but not clump and stay clumped when you pinch it. I agree with the others above. First - relights are part of pipe smoking, so dont...
  11. Scallywag

    Tonight I May Have Caused A Car Accident

    THats not your fault. Definitely the other drivers fault!
  12. Scallywag

    What Are You Smoking Pages.

    Gl Pease bohemian scandal today, happy ipsd everyone
  13. Scallywag

    What Are You Smoking Pages.

    Elizabethan mix in a Pete 606 spigot last night .
  14. Scallywag

    Ordering received from Germany, DHL wants me to sign Importer Customs Document

    I would too, being out the shipping cost and whatever else Estervals decides to keep for restocking fees will be a pretty penny.
  15. Scallywag

    What Are You Smoking Pages.

    Smoked some well aged FVF in a new to me Pierre Morel dublin, its quite sexy at 7+ inches long!
  16. Scallywag

    It’s an official record!

    Im in the bay area, California and we hit 78 or so last week, and no rain for well over 30 days now. What happened to winter??
  17. Scallywag

    What movie are you watching?

    Ive been meaning to have a look at this, thanks for the review!
  18. Scallywag

    Ordering received from Germany, DHL wants me to sign Importer Customs Document

    This happened to me as well, if its only $25, Id pay it and consider yourself lucky. Mine was much higher. OR since you already have the tins, and never plan on ordering again, just ignore DHL. They wont hound you forever over $25. But definitely dont send the tins back, Estervals wont...
  19. Scallywag

    Ordering received from Germany, DHL wants me to sign Importer Customs Document

    This happened to me as well, if its only $25, Id pay it and consider yourself lucky. Mine was much higher. OR since you already have the tins, and never plan on ordering again, just ignore DHL. They wont hound you forever over $25. But definitely dont send the tins back, Estervals wont...