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Brothers of Briar

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  1. morleysson

    What are you smoking?

    Early in the evening, listening to Jeopardy, smoking C&D Barrister in a Stevenson apple, waiting for the coffee to perc.
  2. morleysson

    What are you smoking?

    It's 0649 in Phila, cold and damp, and, while I'm off work today, SWSL had work so I'm up very early and smoking. This AM is Walnut in a Peterson Special pot (shape discontinued, I beleive). Standard coffee CFoN/NY blend. Hope all of you have a great day.
  3. morleysson

    Greetings from North Carolina

    lawdog, good to see you. A fine man and true pipesmoker.
  4. morleysson

    Ok, you asked for it!........John Middleton's WALNUT

    In defense of JustPipes' comments, Walnut is a pleasant smoke w/o pretensions. I had two bowls this AM while I earlier scanned the 'Net. Approach the blend for what it is, w/o expectations of extraordinary tastes or some transcendental moment. There was an earlier posting of a "workhorse'...
  5. morleysson

    What are you smoking?

    Christmas morning and I've been up since 0200EST, trying to see what I've missed over the last few days. Right now, a bowl of C&D Scot's Heather in a Wilke not quite bulldog/billiard. I got this pipe from IrishLefty (no affiliation) who is a low-key seller of estates. Very honest; highly...
  6. morleysson


    Larry: Welcome to the site
  7. morleysson

    Favorite Pipe

    My God, man, how do you hold that pipe? How can you afford to fill it? This could become an EPA certified secondary emissions' source. :darklord: BTW, a beautifully crafted briar, for the record.
  8. morleysson

    Favorite Pipe

    Really three pipes these days are just the 'go-to' for the taste and the quality of the smoke: a Grp4 Gefapip which can be smoked hard, a smallish apple meer, and a new Stevenson apple that handles multiple smoking exceptionally well. I'm convinced, BTW, that Stevenson will carve (no pun) a...
  9. morleysson

    Burleyweed pipes

    When I consider the burley blend, any burley really other than 5Bros, it is always with a larger bowl in mind for the smoker. Most CustomBilts are right for the burley, a bowl about a thumb deep which permits the burley to reveal its flavors, especially the last third, when most blends can...
  10. morleysson

    Nothing really different....but good.

    Seeing Dock Perry's post on ASP made me curious. Looking at the line-up makes me want to stay. Thanks for the chance. Bob Runowski aka morleysson