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Brothers of Briar

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  1. morleysson

    An old friend

    I bought a Butz-Choquin in Paris in 1972 on a trip w/ my now wife of 30 years, SheWhoSpeaksLoudly (we met in 1968, and were married in 1978). My wife's older sister married my best friend in 1970, he was in the AirForce, and they went to live in ZweiBrucken, Germany. They had a son for whom...
  2. morleysson

    A Follow-up to my recent surgery.

    Best wishes for a speedy recovery and return to almost routine living. After my heart attack in '04, I could never go into Denny's w/ quite the same intensity or interest :evil:
  3. morleysson

    Thank You Ol'Dawg!

    JP: Cumberland and Robusto, for my tastes, are the epitome of what the old blends should be like updated for contemporary smokers. I've written before that these two, w/ Aleister and Winter's Tale, are the absolute best that GLP has ever done. Glad that you found such a deal, especially 5 YO.
  4. morleysson

    What are you smoking?

    C&D Barrister in a Peterson Kilarney #87.
  5. morleysson

    None Smoke Better Than a Wilke

    I actually have a few Wilke billiards, fine smokers each one, and a prince which is being refurbished. But, the real winners are 2 1/4 bents which were identified as carved by Steve Johnson when he worked for Wilke. I've had them about 13 years, and Steve worked for Wilke in the early 70s, so...
  6. morleysson

    Pipe ash

    You know, I've never consciously dumped the ashes before the end of the smoke. I usually prefer to continual tamp w/ a wooden dowel tamper (Tsuge actually makes such an item which we in the Phila area all rec'd during a slow smoke event), then dump ashes at the end of the smoke. I found that...
  7. morleysson

    Finished my latest - Poker A

    A most impressive effort. Your work has made me reconsider pokers as viable alternates for smoking.
  8. morleysson

    What are you smoking?

    Barrister in a very long Ehrlich billiard special grain (an IrishLefty purchase).
  9. morleysson

    Philadelphia Mtgs

    You especially JP would be an honored guest.
  10. morleysson

    Philadelphia Mtgs

    The Christopher Morley pipe Club meets the third Wednesday of each month at Houlihan's on City Line Avenue, just across Avenue from the Schuylkill Expressway entrance. For further information, please e-mail Bob Runowski aka Morleysson.
  11. morleysson

    GLP Cumberland

    JP, a solid review of a first rate tobacco. The aged KY tobacco I think is what sets this blend apart. Of all the GLP blends, Cumberland and Robusto are my favorites. Whether the KY/perique interplay or the cigar leaf in Robusto, both just overwhelm my taste. Outstanding.
  12. morleysson

    Your Absolute Hands Down Favourite Tobacco...

    All time favorite available or not has to be Blue Boar, now 20+ years gone. My current available favorite is ERRd, which meets most of my taste and burn requirements, and I can get fairley easily.
  13. morleysson

    How long does it take?

    I would agree. The longest part of the process is in the selection of the tobaccos, then the pipe. My smoking habits are rather monochromatic, relying on a legacy burley almost every time. Some smokes are just meant to be an ERRd or a PA, or Uhle's (I'm liking Uhle's more and more), then the...
  14. morleysson

    What are you smoking?

    Last smoke was C&D Competition Blend (460) in a longer Ehrlich billiard. The preceding smoke was Walnut in a Pete Killarney apple.
  15. morleysson

    Another Thank You is in Order for Alfredo Buscatti

    Envious? Why would I show envy? Just that three YO Cumberland has to be an extra-ordinary experience. Of all the Pease, Cumberland and Robusto are, to me, the highest levels of his blending skills. I'll separate the late Aleister and Winter's Tale, since neither will ever see the light of...
  16. morleysson

    Greetings All...

    Good to see you here, Ian. Always interesting and always informative. Post often.
  17. morleysson

    What are you smoking?

    ERRd in a Calabresi prince, a very pleasant combination and a fine smoke for the PM while I scan the 'Net.
  18. morleysson

    Greetings From The UK

    Peter: Welcome to yet another fine site. Your observations are always timely and insightful.
  19. morleysson

    Lets get down to the nitty gritty

    I smoke for the relaxation, for the tastes of various tobaccos, but mainly the deep sense of calm and centering that I find in a bowl of tobacco. Of course, there is a great sense, too, of continuity with those smokers who have gone before us. I wish that there were more of us in our...
  20. morleysson

    Where do we smoke

    Dock: You have to live alone, and I am envious of your collection. I can guarantee that SheWhoSpeaksLoudly, would not tolerate 1/100th of what you have. But, there is a little brightness. I can smoke at home, in doors, even with two strongly Anti sons. First floor, no cigars inside, but...