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Brothers of Briar

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    Yeeeaahh, there's no getting around that new pipe thing, you are 100% correct. Well, you ARE called the wizard, and it ain't for nuthin'! Thanks for reading my mind and telling it to me straight.
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    I'm trying to stop myself from myself, meaning I'm basically trying to stop doing what I usually do and buy a brand new pipe every 39 hours because I want to try to use a new tobacco. And don't tell me about cobs, I've got 16 of 'em, last count (and use 'em and love 'em all and they make me...
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    Walker Briar Works Forever Stems

    Finally! GREAT NEWS!!! MANY Thanks, Mister Whipple! I've been waiting FOREVER for these stems............................sorry, but it's true
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    Spotting a Hot Spot?

    At the end of my smoke (which went WAY longer than it usually does) I felt it get a little warm  in one place so I immediately dumped the contents, which was 98% black ash, out.  In doing the usual rudimentary cleaning I noticed the inside black bowl had a spot that had a little spotty white on...
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    Pipe-Shape Matters???

    Pots, Dublins, Billiards, Princes......Yes, yes, yes, but I am only going to talk about one of my pots today, a Savinelli Corno straight that has been dedicated to Davidoff Medallion Flake tobacco since I first got it more than 2 years ago. I love it. In fact, I recently cracked the horn mount...
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    Received a gift

    Idlefellow, regarding the photos of the Petes, I don't know whether it was intentional or not, but the way you've got them positioned, with the sun hitting the bark of the branch just so it it looks as if a tiny wisp of smoke is coming out of each of their bowls!  Extraordinary!!
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    Smoking a bowl of tobacco left over from yesterday

    Supposedly, in 1947Admiral Byrd went back into an Antarctic hut he'd left 12 years before and found one of his old pipes filled with tobacco. He is said to have picked it up and lit it, puffed on it and said "that's a good smoke!" or something like that. Me, I smoke it all in one sitting.
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    All Things Must Pass....But Why THEM?

    True, they certainly deserve to retire, it just seems a real pity that they never took on apprentices or the like to pass on all that hard-earned knowledge so that their legacy could live on.
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    Horn Crack

    I've got a Savinelli Corno straight pot that is PERFECT for smoking medallions,, coins, etc, which I've been doing so the past couple years. Well, if you're at all familiar with this style, the stem is a military mount that goes into a piece of horn. Cleaning it a little while ago I pushed the...
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    All Things Must Pass....But Why THEM?

    I just finished my hour's bowl of after-breakfast tobacco. I chose one I haven't smoked in awhile, relatively obscure, to stuff into one of my blasted Eltang pokers; McClelland's Auroroa. God, NOBODY does Virginias like McClelland, I don't care what anyone may say, they are/were the masters...
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    Shiny and "new" vs smoked w/ patina

    It's funny, I've been thinking about posting a thread about scorched rims, i.e. who cares about it or not. Me, I try to keep my pipes looking good, clean them up after a smoke, rub 'em down with some TLC, especially the vulcanite/ebonite/bakelite stems. I smoke outside, and brothers, it's just...
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    Bulging Tin

    MANY Thanks for putting my mind at ease, Brothers!
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    Bulging Tin

    I noticed one of my cellared G L Pease tins from 2003 is slightly bulging on the bottom. Is this a bad sign, i.e. the tobacco has spoiled?
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    New MM Cob Design

    I just purchased the plain version at Aristocob (using your handy link, thank you Blackhorse!)
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    Beeswaxing a natural pipe

    Frank, I've got Ted Cash beat, and my thing joins both blackpowder and pipe worlds.  I take my used tobacco tins and, in the winter months, whenever we feel like having a fire, we've got an old cooking wood stove in our fireplace my uncle bought and put there in the sixties.  I should probably...
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    Beeswaxing a natural pipe

    Just to let you allknow, yes, I've got 3 other "naturals" that I've never done anyrhing to. But THIS pipe, a "raw" Dagner poker, just came with the suggestion that I MIGHT beeswax it if so desired. Well, I'm a muzzleloader, and if any of you are familiar with this community, then you know that...
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    New MM Cob Design

    I/ve got 6 of them......Love 'em!!
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    Day of mourning

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    Larrysson Drip Wax first smoke

    Reminds me of the '70s, but that's not meant to detract from the pipe, which I do love.