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Brothers of Briar

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  1. Richard Burley

    Sweet corn on the cob

    I can and always could eat a dozen ears or so at a time. My parents used to warn me about doing it, suggesting dire digestive tract consequences, but it never happened. Come to think of it, I can gorge myself on just about anything that has real melted butter drizzled over it. How'd you cook it...
  2. Richard Burley

    About Corn Cobs, Their Stems And Their Taste

    The Charles Towne Cobblers are great cobs. Well worth the elevated price, in my opinion. Fit and finish are above regular standards, and the bowls, at least on mine, are large, robust, and thick-walled. Even the Danish-type stem, which I normally detest, looks perfect for the pipe. They just...
  3. Richard Burley

    A wee test

    My experience with beater pipes--like the one I leave in my car summer and winter--suggests a similar appraisal. They are quite neglected and rarely even get as much as a pipe cleaner thrust through their innards. They get cleaned and reamed when the cake buildup mandates it. They get smoked at...
  4. Richard Burley

    Working on the Savinelli stem

    I don't know if this is applicable to yours, but my cheap digital camera has a two-stage trigger or whatever it's called. You press it half-way to allow it to focus, then press all the way down. Takes quite passable close-ups. Took me a couple of years to discover, 'cause I'm slow. Just a...
  5. Richard Burley

    WDC pipe with Pat No.

    Not I. How do you know it's a WDC? Is there other nomenclature? Check this out:
  6. Richard Burley

    Time to fix some stems

    How on earth did you manage to get a photo of my stems? :pig:
  7. Richard Burley

    Are Castellos Better Than Radices?

    Sounds like love, and not just a passing infatuation. Wish half my pipes weren't one-night stands.
  8. Richard Burley

    Are Castellos Better Than Radices?

    Well stated, Zeno. I'm encumbered by a taste for classic shapes only. Every time I see a Castello that I like, it's $600 or so. The two Castellos I have don't even look like Castellos, a bulldog and a slim billiard. The occasional Radice I see that I like does seem tempting. Plus fishnbanjo...
  9. Richard Burley Closed

    My magnification was somehow set at less than 100%. Restored it to 100% and now it works. Never mind. :roll:
  10. Richard Burley Closed unregistered "guests?" Can't see anything but the framework and ads around the main section. All topics are blank. Have no intention of joining another #@!%ing forum. This time-suck is bad enough.
  11. Richard Burley

    Are Castellos Better Than Radices?

    And if so, in what way? Not knocking Castellos; I have two. Or is it three? Anyhow, I just wondered, since they cost about twice as much and I don't have a Radice. (I personally have a fondness for Il Ceppos, as an Italian marque, but that's another subject. Sort of.)
  12. Richard Burley

    Old German ad for “Kansas Mixture”

    Artistic license...or they're using Softy Bits.
  13. Richard Burley

    Lost the Love for Latakia

    The voice of reason, as usual. Three thumbs up!
  14. Richard Burley

    What's This Guy's Nut?

    I was slightly exaggerating. His payroll alone makes me wince. Pens and ink? Really? Reminds me of an old Saturday Night Live skit in which a guy had a tape boutique newly set up in a modern shopping mall. Hey, I ain't knocking it; if sales cover expenses, plus a decent profit, I wish the...
  15. Richard Burley

    What's This Guy's Nut?

    You know, his monthly costs, lease payment, payroll, fixtures and fittings, electric, insurance, etc.  I have done business with the company, but I pictured some guy working out of a closet. Apparently I need to revise my image of the current market in pens and ink. How many pens does he need to...
  16. Richard Burley

    Newbie from Sumter, SC

    :lol!: Agreed! Beware of the competition. Welcome.
  17. Richard Burley

    R. M. Perkins - Bent Rhodesian

    Flawless shape. No #%@&ing bowl coating. A concave button. Nicely done. Great price.
  18. Richard Burley

    St. Bruno

    Yep. Same experience. It's OK, but nothing I'd go to any trouble to acquire again.
  19. Richard Burley

    New Pen Day

    I :heart: my Twizzby with a 1.1 stub nib. Makes me wanna write good. Nice choice.
  20. Richard Burley

    SOTD: Shave of the day

    Sounds great. But in addition, I require an alcohol component in a post-shave product. It seems to lock away the sting of the razor. If I wash my face or sweat, the sting comes back. Weird. Balms are effective for greasing up the hide, but there is always a slight residual sting when I use them...