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Brothers of Briar

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  1. Richard Burley

    Floid Blue Replacement

    Fans of no longer available Floid Blue aftershave (which allegedly has a cult following) might be interested in this near-exact replacement, also from Spain. Love the scent, which has been described as Aqua Velva with a college degree. Perfect amount of menthol, perfect amount of residual...
  2. Richard Burley

    Match Blends

    Don't remember that at all. So much for memory. Thought it was a Plain Jane burley. Think you'd better toss my list above, as far as its being anything useful. :lol:
  3. Richard Burley

    Like a bad penny, I'm back!

    Welcome back and all that. Friend of mine from Dallas (AA pilot) just retired to Foo-kway Vareena. Nice town. Is that how you say it? One must be careful. :scratch:
  4. Richard Burley

    Match Blends

    My sequence would be Hickory, Briggs, Barking Dog, Revelation, Sugar Barrel, Kentucky Mixture, Holiday, Field & Stream, from least aromatic to most. But my memory may be faulty, especially with the last two--it's been decades. As an aside, there was something in Holiday, the dark bits, that...
  5. Richard Burley

    Stupid people doing stupid things

    “Think of how stupid the average person is, and realize half of them are stupider than that.” ~ George Carlin Not the best grammar, perhaps, and George may not have been the first to say it, but this thought has always bothered me--because it's necessarily true.
  6. Richard Burley

    Without Warning, an Assessment

    I'm on the fence with silver bands and whatnot. The fact that I tolerate a great degree of tarnish on them suggests that I'm not too enamored of them. I love good silverwork, but not necessarily on a pipe. It's kind of like tattoos: I've seen some great tattoos, as art. But do I want that...
  7. Richard Burley


    You've heard the saying, "Swallow a little bit, you don't want to eat; swallow a lot, you don't want to live." ? Like many sayings, it's true. :lol:
  8. Richard Burley

    Stupid people doing stupid things

    The herd needs thinning. See Darwin, Charles.
  9. Richard Burley

    Maytag clothers washer

    It will only chatter with a light load weight, in my experience. But since you used the same load and it now works, my suggestion seems irrelevant. But the burnt smell is troubling. Good luck, and don't burn the house down.
  10. Richard Burley

    Found this Søren Refbjerg recently

    Keeper, I'd say.
  11. Richard Burley

    Maytag clothers washer

    Is the agitator tight against its drive cog or whatever the hell you call it? I've had them loosen and make kind of a grinding noise.
  12. Richard Burley

    Without Warning, an Assessment

    Well, I suppose so if you don't look. The two artisans above, Jesse and Todd, among others here and there, are masters of their craft and quite capable of producing classics that are exquisite in their shapes. And they generally sell for less than, say, a Dunhill. My observation was merely a...
  13. Richard Burley

    PSA - my brewery is under new ownership!

    Da Wiz wuz being droll. 8)
  14. Richard Burley

    Without Warning, an Assessment

    Agreed, and those Castellos tick me off too. Close, sometimes, but no cigar. I'll keep you in mind. And let's not forget patina! Maybe I've watched too many '30s and '40s movies; nevertheless, there my pipesmokerly aesthetic sense lies.
  15. Richard Burley

    Without Warning, an Assessment

    I was looking around at my pipe collection this morning and suddenly realized that I hate stem/shank enhancements of any kind. And weird shapes. Even Italian "classic" shapes look wrong. Have been in denial about this for years. Think I'd be better off sticking to Dunhills and other old Brits...
  16. Richard Burley

    PSA - my brewery is under new ownership!

    Foul. If I can't do it, neither can you.
  17. Richard Burley

    SOTD: Shave of the day

    Looks like a great razor. Wish I'd seen that before buying my Above the Tie. Not that I don't love the ATT, it's an incredibly effective razor. I'd say you scored a tonsorial coup, Zeno. Wanna hear something silly-assed? After spending a buck-and-a-half on the stainless ATT, I discover that the...
  18. Richard Burley


    Gasp! You actually want some? Let me know if you can't find it. I make an occasional foray onto the Rez near here. If you want a chaw that actually tastes really good, try some butternut flavored. They have some at the Rez, probably Stoker's, if memory serves. Anything to help a brother glide...
  19. Richard Burley

    Alcohol vs. Acrylic

    I'm thinkin' I'll continue to use Everclear sparingly on bits. It's grain alcohol. I believe the lad who made the above video said what he used was the denatured stuff to get that disturbing effect. Plus he drenched it. Guess I'll find out, but I'm not anticipating any problem. If I do have any...
  20. Richard Burley


    It was plug tobacco meant for chewing. There were quite a few brands back then. Days O'Work comes immediately to mind. Red Man had one. I think they still exist, but to find any you might have to go to a reservation smoke shop or some equivalent, rather than a grocer's as in days of yore. I...