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Brothers of Briar

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  1. thomas james

    Does anybody

    The Good The Bad and The Ugly can not be played enough on my kick ass stereo. :cheers: :cheers: :cheers: :cheers: :cheers: :cheers: :cheers: :cheers: :cheers: :cheers:
  2. thomas james

    Fifth Annual Spring Forward Box Pass

    Well done Huggie, Why did you not put in a tin of Laurel Flake? I was going to, but, it wouldn't have made past those damned Daniels boys. Nothing ever does!
  3. thomas james

    Something New??

  4. thomas james

    Something New??

    CAIRO! Maybe a Balkan? Blackpoint. Abingdon. Try this. A crossover. Your favorite va in your favorite English pipe. CAIRO first.
  5. thomas james

    I'm Cancer Free!!!

    :cheers: :cheers: :cheers: :cheers: :cheers: :cheers: :cheers: :cheers: :cheers: :cheers:
  6. thomas james

    TJ's Cellar

    Left myself wide open on that one. Damn! Did it to myself. Damn! I'll get it straight. Damn! In a tight spot here. Damn! Sure hope it brings :gatewheel: out of the closet. Miss his ass. Damn! Thanks :geek: . :king:
  7. thomas james

    Unsung blenders and blends

    Virginias don't seem to bite me. My Montana wife of fortyone years has set her teeth in my ass numereous times though.
  8. thomas james

    TJ's Cellar

    Wet Dottle, Didn't mean to ignore you. I haven't had access to a b&m for about 30 years. Everything I have cellared has been bought on line and should be relatively new stuff. Everything is dated with the acquisition date. I just started doing it about five years ago and got into the habit...
  9. thomas james

    Is this one of Mike's boxes being opened?

    Just Poor also smokes Walnut.
  10. thomas james

    Is this one of Mike's boxes being opened?

    Damned dial-up. Damned LL!
  11. thomas james

    Estate Pipes *An Edorsement*

    Danish & Pipe Guy, That's like having a playmate living next door and only jumping the fence 2-3 times at most. Bare wood,,,,,,,,,,indeed! Not right.
  12. thomas james

    Estate Pipes *An Edorsement*

    NONSENCE Wet Dottle!! Post away. Your input IS worthwhile. IF you mistakenly criticised DPG, you didn't, but if you did, he deserves it and will get over it. He's probably at Dunc N' Donuts and not paying attention anyway. :lol!: :D
  13. thomas james

    Yard & Garden Work 2008

    Feels good to be outside. I think I'll leave it outside.
  14. thomas james

    Damned Rascal

    Oh,,Yeah! I'm not just blowin smoke about how good Marlin Flake is,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, I have 21 tins in stasis for the future. You truly can have your cake and eat it too. Thanks,,,Rascal! The big jar is now open and I shall "focus" on it for the upcoming weeks.
  15. thomas james

    Damned Rascal

    I know who the rascal is! NA NA NA NA NA Vengence is mine sayeth the capo. :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :clown: :clown: :clown: :clown: :clown: :clown: :clown: :clown...
  16. thomas james

    Smoke Eater/Air Purifiers Recommendations?

    Good choice Pastry Guy. You'll like it. Mine stood up to a seven man smoker and it wasn't just challenged by tobacco smoke. Handled the methane quite well. Be sure to report back. During the good weather days try an exaust fan (simple fan pointed outward of an open window) in order to extend...
  17. thomas james

    Damned Rascal

    Finished off a 4 y/o Astley's 109 a few days ago and thought I'd dig into the 06 MF from "Rascal." MF is about as good a va as they come. Simply wonderful. 109 is a hard act to follow. Thanks again Rascal! :bounce:
  18. thomas james

    Smoke Eater/Air Purifiers Recommendations?

    " an exaust fan" Vive Miguel! I have heard of "whole house" fans that "turn" a houses complete air "over" in twenty minutes. DPG,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,think air replacement vs. treatment. Save you some big dough. Fabrics absorb odors. Carpets/upholstered furniture etc. Occassionally my wife will...
  19. thomas james

    Estate Pipes *An Edorsement*

    At one point, I too hated to break in a new pipe. I followed the "old rules." Break em in with partial bowls and in a systematic progressive way. Somewhere along the line I got lazy and just filled new pipes to the top, smoked em and added them to my rotation. The "results" are the same in the...
  20. thomas james

    Smoke Eater/Air Purifiers Recommendations?

    And another thing, Live indoor plants help clean the air,,,,,,,,,,,the Gore approach. A black light helps promulgate cannibas. A venus fly trap serves two purposes. Might be worth your consideration.