What happens if a health insurance company buys Nat Geo?
Wouldn't they own this information.
May happen as early as 1984.
St. James Flake is by Sam Gawith. To me, it's FVF with perryque.
The 965 was very fresh when I sent it out to the "next" guy,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,HE did it.
This only appears to be happening with JP's yellow flag and his pic of Walnut. Dock's and Puff Daddy's "stuff" is still there.
Someone put a spell on old Leroy?
I have lost graphic art in other peoples posts. Example, Just Pipes had a waving yellow flag and a pic of a tub of Walnut at the end of his posts. They are gone now. In place of them are now little tiny boxes with a red "x" in them. Everything else on the board is ok.
I have two WordPerfect files that itemize my cellar.
One is for va/vaper/vaburley. The other is for English/Balkan.
Cairo started out on the English/Balkan list then got moved to the va list and is now back with the E/B list. It is the only blend that I have done this with.
I agree with pb in...