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Brothers of Briar

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  1. kilted1

    Gray Fox Down

    Wow! Added to my prayer list
  2. kilted1


    Welcome to BoB :cheers:
  3. kilted1

    Homeless in Virginia

    Best of luck to you Winslow ... Welcome to DIXIE :cheers:
  4. kilted1

    Happy Birthday Natch!

    Happy B-Day :cheers:
  5. kilted1

    happy birthday dbreazeale

    Happy B-Day :cheers:
  6. kilted1

    Hello from Florida

    Welcome to BoB :cheers:
  7. kilted1

    What the frick...

    Wow Doc, with a list like that, you'd think copulation was an important human activity :twisted:
  8. kilted1

    hello, new guy here.

    Welcome to BoB :cheers: Wow! three new folks from Arizona in less than a week? We are being INVADED :affraid: :twisted:
  9. kilted1

    Post Turkey Smoke; What Did You Have?????

    Natch if you aren't already aware: Peter Stokkebye Cube Cut 'blend of air-cured toasted Burley leaves from Tennessee and aged red Virginias have been Cavendish pressed for 36 hours. The pressed cakes are cross cut to small squares for easy filing of the pipe and slow burning. Natural and mellow...
  10. kilted1

    What the frick...

    Yeah I pretty much live in the RR, like the brother-in-law who won't leave after holiday goodbyes are over :cheers: Can't imagine a forum without one ... like every bar I've ever been a regular in, there are always places for regulars to let their hair down a bit ...
  11. kilted1

    Post Turkey Smoke; What Did You Have?????

    I went ALL OUT and straight for PA in an Ardor Fantasy Bulldog, sometimes you just gotta splurge :cheers:
  12. kilted1

    Google Wave

    Done Piper check your e-mail in box :D
  13. kilted1

    Happy Thanksgiving...

    I'm Thankful to God for my life, for my wife, for a healthy daughter-in-law, her husband and three fine healthy grandchildren. I'm thankful to my countrymen who are now serving on foreign soil (including some members here, and member's children) protecting us in noble service of their country...
  14. kilted1

    Hi from Tucson AZ

    Welcome to BoB and Happy Thanksgiving! :cheers: Arizona seems to be getting better represented everyday here! That's two of you added to the fold in a week!
  15. kilted1

    Google Wave

    Holy Cow, its growing ... :twisted: I woke up to 12 more after having 5!
  16. kilted1

    What the frick...

    Not touchin that ... with anything :affraid: :lol!:
  17. kilted1

    Google Wave

    Very small way of saying thanks for all you lay on the line for us Anthony. Take some time and grab some Turkey somewhere with your brothers and sisters in arms and know a whole bunch of us here at home are with y'all in spirit! Happy Thanksgiving from Georgia :cheers:
  18. kilted1

    What the frick...

    Oh FLUFFY !!!! :affraid:
  19. kilted1

    What the frick...

    Occasionally someone even gets radical enough to say 'fluffy' in here :twisted:
  20. kilted1

    Google Wave

    I Have some also if Jason runs out ... 5 Invitations left, get 'em while they are HOT :lol: